Page 4 - MCVS Stay Connected Newsletter Issue 5
P. 4

individual volunteers who form part of a a a a a a Voluntary Organisation
in in in one’s one’s training which will be be beneficial both to oneself one’s one’s Voluntary Voluntary Organisation
to to other Voluntary Voluntary Organisations and to to the the community at at large and Priority 2 supports Voluntary Organisations in in in in the organisation of training initiatives which are beneficial both to the the the same organisation to to other Voluntary Organisations and to to the the the community at large In addition to this MCVS organised two main training seminars with one focusing on
the the GDPR in in collaboration with the the Data Protection Commissioner’s Office and one one on
Financial Management for VOs – Good Practices & Risk Mitigation in in collaboration with the Ministry for Finance and the Commissioner for Voluntary Organisations FT
support the sector with its own funding schemes The ‘Small Initiative Support Scheme (SIS)’ now in in its sixth year continued to support and average of thirty four projects a a a a a a a year The same may be said for the larger ‘Voluntary Organisations Projects Scheme’ (VOPS) also in in its third year having now been well established with the sector for its support of of an an average of of another thirthy five projects a a a a a a year Both fundsing schemes are designed to assist applicants looking for funding on
projects that can make a a a a a real difference to their local communities The Civil Society Fund now managed directly by the Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector supports Civil Society Organisations (CSO’s) to adopt an an active role at European Union (EU) This is is done by providing financial incentives to support CSOs engagement in in in in activities with other organisations not only at at a a a a a a a local level but also at a a a a a a European level with the the aim to encourage the the exchange of best
unding Support Schemes
he he Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector continued to to directly 4

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