Page 7 - Business Growth Tipping Points - Sales
P. 7

Today with the slow demise of telephone landlines, do not call registry and a point of almost saturation marketing the lead generation costs in this particular industry have blown out to an astronomical $1200! Even at that price, there are no guarantees that more than a handful of prospects can be delivered.
As a business owner I’ll assume you have a reasonable grasp of your own cost per acquisition. It probably isn’t as crazy as $1200 but I suspect still represents a significant dent in your expenses sheet.
Let’s break down some figures that relate to the cost per acquisition
Consider my experience above. An investment lead cost of $1200 per reasonably qualified prospect (qualification criteria; heart beat and potentially with affordability capacity!)
Let’s Assume that the sales presentation is sharp and professional and the conversions are 25%, we can conclude that the cost per sale would be close to $5000
Let’s take one more step and multiply this conversion ratio by the number of desired sales per year, for this example 50.

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