Page 8 - Business Growth Tipping Points - Sales
P. 8

We can ascertain then that this prospect chasing process will cost us $250,000 for those 50 sales. If we wish to double our volume, we need to scale up our lead generation expenses to $500,000 or more
However even if your cash flow allows for a doubling of budget spend in order to facilitate this company growth, inevitably a few cracks appear on the business plan.
Your competitors will eventually steal all your best ideas!
Your opposition is watching. You stumble across a new form of marketing, that seems reasonably cost effective – let’s imagine it’s offshore telemarketing (don’t laugh, or cringe!)
Low and behold, after a few months a dozen other companies start targeting the same marketplace with the same new marketing strategy, saturating it and driving up lead acquisition costs for all. This becomes a zero sum game with no winners.
A representative of a company in Queensland, in the business of marketing property via investment seminars, confessed to me that they used to produce 1 lead per every 8 phone calls a mere decade ago – today it takes in

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