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                                     Yes, the chances are high that you have parasites. Why hasn’t the doctor told me?  Doctors do not
                                     have the time to ask for you to be tested for every possible thing in the world so unless you ask for it,
                  Danella Hesler     they likely won’t test for it unless you show obvious signs of needing to be tested.  In this article we
                 & Milica Jelenic    will look at the sources of parasites and the signs you have them.
   1. Tapeworm
   Cause of infection: ingesting eggs or larvae in foods and beverages, meats that are raw or undercooked.  Effect on the Body:  Upset stomach
   or feeling like you could throw up.  Stomachache or stomach pain.  Not wanting to eat.  Loose stools. Diarrhea. Weight loss.  Gas.  Hunger
   pains.  Cravings for salty food.   What to avoid: Undercooked foods and thoroughly wash your hands and food before eating
   2. Cyclospora cayetanensis
   Cause of Infection: spread through contact with an infected person's stool or a contaminated item (more like contaminated produce as it
   takes a week or two to be infections in stool).  Effect on the Body:  Infects the small intestine (bowel). Watery diarrhea. Frequent, sometimes
   explosive, bowel movements.  Loss of appetite. Weight loss. Stomach cramps/pain. Bloating. Increased gas. Nausea. Fatigue.   What to avoid:
   unwashed foods as it is most likely in contaminated produce.
   3. Giardia
   Cause of Infection: spreads through infected feces and contaminated water. This parasite can live outside of the body for weeks and has a
   shell  that  protects  it  against  the  corrosive  effects  of  chlorine,  so  it  can  also  survive  in  chlorinated  bodies  of  water.  Effect  on  the  Body:
   Diarrhea. Gas.  Foul-smelling, greasy poop that can float.  Stomach cramps or pain.  Upset stomach or nausea.  Dehydration.  What to avoid:
    drinking pond or pool water
   4. Cryptosporidium
   Cause of Infection: Contaminated water. It also has a protective shell and can live outside a body for a long time. Effect on the Body: Watery
   Diarrhea. Dehydration. Lack of appetite. Weakness.  Weight loss. Stomach cramps or pain. Fever. Nausea. Vomiting. Constipation.   *If your
   body is immunocompromised it can cause more severe problems.  What to Avoid: pools, ponds rivers, lakes.
   5. Whipworm
   Cause of Infection: Soil containing human feces infected with the eggs or larvae of the parasite. More common in tropical climates. The use of
   wastewater as fertilizer is the leading cause of whipworm. Effects on the Body:  Digestive issues.  Growth issues in children.  Frequent, painful
   bowel movements.  BM’s with mucus, water, and blood. Diarrhea typically smells worse than usual.  What to Avoid: unwashed foods that are
   grown in tropical climates and the Southern US.
   6. Pinworm
   Cause of Infection: touch, primarily in children
   Effects  on  the  Body:  Anal  itching.  Anal  discomfort.  Insomnia.  Bedwetting.  Abdominal  pain.  Urinary  Tract  Infection  or  Bladder  Infection.
   Vaginal itchiness.  Loss of appetite and weight loss. What to Avoid: (if you have the infection) avoid wearing the same clothes two days in a
   row, avoid sleeping on bedding naked and avoid touching yourself and others.
   7. Hookworm
   Cause of Infection: Soil. Hookworms are grouped with whipworms and other parasites in the category of soil-transmitted helminths, or STHs.
   Effects on the body: Rash, affects the lungs and causes a bad cough. Diarrhea. Anemia. Malnutrition. Cramps. Nausea. Fever. Bloody stool.
   Loss of appetite. Colic and excessive crying in infants. What to avoid: walking barefoot in areas where people defecate in the soil or where the
   soil may be contaminated in other ways.
   8. Entamoeba histolytica
   Cause of Infection: poor sanitation, eggs are picked up from contaminated surfaces or fingers, also from contaminated water
   Effects on the Body: Loose stool. Stomach pain and cramping. Bloody stools. Fever. In severe cases, it can cause a liver abscess (a collection of
   pus).  It can infect other parts of the body like the brain and lungs.  What to Avoid: Having dirty hands!  *Hand washing is considered the best
   way to prevent the spread of entamoeba histolytica.
   9. Trichinosis Roundworms
   Cause of Infection: found in raw or uncooked meat and infect people around the world, especially in rural areas.   Effects on the Body:  Larvae
   continue to grow in the small intestine. May travel through the bloodstream or lymphatic system. Symptoms are comparable to asthma or
   pneumonia. Coughing. Wheezing. Trouble breathing.   What to Avoid: Avoid raw meats or undercooked meats.  *Note freezing pork for at
   least three weeks will kill any larvae or eggs that may have lived in the animal.
   10. Toxoplasma gondii
   Cause of Infection: Excreted by cats in their feces. The most common way to come into contact with this parasite is by touching cat feces and
   then somehow ingesting it, although cooking utensils and foods can also be contaminated. Lamb, pork, and venison are other usual carriers of
   Toxoplasma gondii. In rare cases, this parasite is transmitted through a contaminated blood transfusion or organ transplants.   Effects on the
   Body: Flu like symptoms. Fever. Swollen lymph nodes. Headache.  In bodies with compromised immune symptoms include: Poor coordination.
   Headache. Seizures. Lung problems similar to tuberculosis.  Blurry vision if the retina becomes inflamed. What to Avoid: Cat feces, especially
   if you are pregnant. Avoid utensils that have not been sanitized in a dishwasher.

   As  you  can  see  there  are  many  ways  in  which  your  body  can  be  infected  with  parasites.    Along  with  the  “what  to  avoid”  list  of  things
   mentioned in this article it is important to do a bi-yearly parasite cleanse for prevention. Contact our offices for a holistic, non-invasive
   approach to find out if you are infected.

   Danella Hesler: 613-473-3805
   Milica Jelenic: 613-472-2701
   We work by appointment only!
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