Page 2 - News On 7 March 2022 Edition
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                                             CELEBRATING INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY
                       The President and Council of the Madoc & District Chamber of Commerce proudly salute the women of
                       industry across all sectors, as we join the global community in challenging inequity and stereotypes on the
                       occasion of International Women’s Day 2022 and through our daily actions and decisions.

                       As  we  #ChooseToBeStronger  in  the  face  of  the  challenges  being  experienced  globally,  the  Chamber  also
                       recognizes the women who support the advancement of the goals of the Madoc & District Chamber and
                       those who have, and continue to play, a key role in contributing to the development of business and the
                       wider private sector in Central Hastings.

     As we celebrate our achievements and strides, we also acknowledge that ‘an equal world is an
     enabled  world’.  We  therefore  challenge  our  collective  efforts  to  bolster  gender  equality  in  all
     spheres in the interest of building and sustaining a more harmonized workplace, community and

     Together we can collaboration with other organizations and open more opportunities.  Our mission is to integrate women into
     our team and set an example, assuring opportunities for all.  By empowering women, assuring to protect each other better and
     fight for a more just and equal society. Let’s not only talk about this on March 8th, but also let’s talk about it every day. Women
     deserve it.

     Shari Pearce, President of the Madoc & District Chamber of Commerce

                                                                 Submissions & Letters
                                                                 Articles  and  letters  may  be  submitted  for  possible
                                                                 publication  by  sending  a  brief  outline  by  email  to
        We need you........We welcome your input to News  or  including  your  letter  in  the
        On  7  -  items  such  as  a  favorite  recipe,  tip  of  the  body  of  the  email.  If  we  respond  by  expressing  interest
        month,  humorous  anecdote  or  cartoon,  general        in  publishing  your  letter  or  article,  please  understand
        interest article, etc. Your name will be associated      that it requires acceptance of our policy that all content
        with  the  item  (unless  you  wish  it  to  be          is subject to editing by the publisher. Please also include
        anonymous).     Submit    your     items    to           your  full  name,  contact  information  (address  and  by  the  17th  of  each          telephone  number—to  be  used  by  the  editors  only)  and
        month. We look forward to hearing from you.              let  us  know  if  you  would  like  your  name  published  or
                                                                 wish to remain anonymous.
                                     Volume 2  Issue 03
                     Copyright 2022.  All Rights reserved.
        CONTACT US                                               The  opinions,  beliefs  and  viewpoints  expressed  by  the
        MADOC & DISTRICT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE                     various authors and advertisers in this newspaper do not
        PO BOX 966  25 ST. LAWRENCE ST. E                        necessarily  reflect  the  opinions,  beliefs  and  viewpoints
        MADOC, ON  K0K 2K0                                       of  the  Publisher  or  official  policies  of  News  On  7.
                                                                 Neither  author  nor  publisher  accepts  any  liability  or
                                                                 responsibility  to  any  person  or  entity  with  respect  to
        613 473 1616                                    any loss or damage alleged to have been caused, directly
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