Page 3 - News On 7 March 2022 Edition
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     It’s seen generations of Queensborough kids learn their reading, writing and ’rithmetic;
     dozens, if not hundreds, of bridal and baby showers; friendly – though competitive! –
     community card parties on cold winter nights; meetings of the Women’s Institute and
     4-H  clubs;  pancake  breakfasts,  community  potlucks,  chili  cookoffs  and  pie-making
     classes; events celebrating Queensborough’s history; and almost 20 years of summer
     drop-in day camps for kids. For more than a century, the Queensborough Community
     Centre has been the heart and soul of the busy hamlet of Queensborough.

     Right now, however, the QCC is closed to the public and unavailable for anyone in the
     community  to  use.  In  mid-2021,  it  was  discovered  that  groundwater  infiltration  had
     caused major damage to the foundation of the building’s kitchen addition (built about
     2000) and, to a lesser extent, to the historic main building (built in 1901 to serve as the
     hamlet’s  one-room  schoolhouse).  Engineering  experts  said  that  until  major  repairs,
     including  replacement  of  the  kitchen  addition,  were  carried  out  –  estimated  cost
     upwards of $300,000 – the building was unsafe for use.
     The volunteers on the QCC Committee have taken up the challenge to get the centre up
     and running again as soon as possible. Working with council members and staff at the
     Municipality of Tweed (which owns and is responsible for the building), the volunteers
     have been involved in grant applications, information and lobbying sessions to keep the
     reopening  of  the  building  high  on  council’s  agenda,  and  projects  to  raise  funds  from
     within the community.

     Council has now committed to putting the project in its budget plans for 2022, but it has also made clear that it expects
     fundraising  from  within  the  community.  As  a  result,  the  QCC  Committee  has  set  a  community  fundraising  target  of
     $25,000.  Thanks  to  the  generosity  of  people  who  live  in  the  Queensborough  area,  and  others  father  afield  who  have
     Queensborough  connections  or  are  simply  supportive  of  the  QCC’s  work,  we  are  making  good  progress  toward  that
     target. For instance, a family-themed, Covid-safe outdoor Halloween event organized by the volunteers on very short
     notice last October drew a huge crowd of enthusiastic families and raised close to $1,500 in a single night!

                                                        The committee has decided that money raised from the community
                                                        will go toward:
                                                        ·Outfitting  the  new  kitchen  –  important  in  a  community  that’s
                                                        known for its great food (church suppers, pancake breakfasts, etc.)
                                                        ·Restoring  the  original  wooden  floor  in  the  main  schoolhouse
                                                        ·Creating  a  temperature-  and  humidity-controlled  archives  room,
                                                        where   documents,    photos,   clippings   and   artifacts   from
                                                        Queensborough history can be collected and preserved for future

     The QCC Committee could use your help! Support from readers of News on 7 would be deeply appreciated, and income-
     tax receipts will be issued to donors. For more information or to make a donation, please contact QCC members Elaine
     Kapusta  (613-473-1458,,  Ann  Brooks  (613-473-4550,,  or
     Katherine  Sedgwick  (613-473-2110,  Please  note  that  cheques  should  be  made  out  to
     “Municipality of Tweed,” with “Queensborough Community Centre” specified on the cheque’s memo line.

     The QCC Committee looks forward to welcoming you to our newly restored and refurbished community centre this year!
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