Page 8 - News On 7 March 2022 Edition
P. 8

                 By Rev. Tracy B Richards
                 I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession, and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings
                 and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.
                                                                                                                                                                1 Timothy 2:1-2 NLT
    As much as I am reluctant to bring up controversial topics on my blog,
    it  just  wouldn’t  feel  right  not  to  address  the  massive  elephant  in  the
    room:   The Ottawa Protest.
    For  some  of  us,  this  newest  development  makes  us  feel  angry  and
    discouraged. For others, it has restored lost hope and faith in humanity.
    Regardless of what side of the issue you are on, what is happening in
    our nation’s capital right now is pivotal.
    It  is  literally  history  in  the  making  and  all  eyes  are  on  us.  These  are
    uncharted waters for Canadians and each of us has a vital role to play.
     This is why I felt guided to invite everyone to join me in a Prayer for
    Even though this prayer represents a Christian worldview, whether or
    not you share that view is not important. What is important is that we
    take  a  moment  to  set  aside  our  differences  and  examine  our  own
    hearts, as we reflect on who we are as Canadians and what we value
    So, feel free to use the prayer, below, or come up with your own. What
    matters  most  is  that  your  message  is  honest  and  genuine.    And
    remember,  this  prayer  is  not  about  “politics”.      It’s  about  handling
    adversity  with  Grace.    It’s  about  treating  ourselves  and  others  with
    Love  and  Respect.    It’s  about  restoring  Faith  and  Unity  between  us,
    regardless  of  whether  we  agree  or  disagree.    I  pray  that  you  will  be
    uplifted and strengthened by this practice. May God Bless You and may
    He Bless Canada.
    Lord God, we come to you today asking you to restore the unity in our
    divided  nation  of  Canada.  We  ask  that  you  give  us  and  our  leaders
    discerning hearts and wise minds and help us to lead Canada, and the
    nations of the world who are watching, in the right direction.
    We  ask  you  to  transform  our  hearts  and  remove  any  traces  of
    corruption from those in influential positions. Let our leaders be people
    who are honourable, ethical, and moral, and who value accountability,
    transparency  and  unity.  Let  Canada  become  a  shining  example  of
    strong,  democratic  leadership  and  unity  among  its  government  and
    We  ask  that  our  leaders  work  together  harmoniously  and  not  get
    sidetracked by partisan politics. Help our leaders – and help us – not to
    be  divided,  but  to  commit  to  working  cooperatively  for  the  common
    good.  Give us and our leaders humility and respect for one another.
    When we or our leaders have different opinions and agendas, help us to                    613 473 1891
    find  common  ground,  ways  to  learn  from  one  another,  and  to  reach
    compromise, when necessary.                                                    31 Durham Street, Madoc, ON

    Finally, Lord, help us and our leaders to be mutually supportive of one
    another and to always have one another’s best interests at heart. Help
    us remain proud to be Canadians.

    In Jesus’ name,


                                                                                           31 Durham Street, Madoc, ON
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