Page 5 - News On 7 March 2022 Edition
P. 5


     * * * BOYS AND GIRLS KIDS CLUB   * * * Ages 5 to 8
     New this year is our B+ G kids club for the kids that need something to look forward to.  Activities will change weekly,
     but some of the things will include among other fun activities:
     * Learning about our farm animals. chickens, horses, cows
     * Learning how to brush horses, how to feed them properly, and what their food looks like
     *Learning about cows- what to feed them, how to feed them and how much fun the calves are
     * Basic first aid geared towards young children
     * Team building and positive relationships are a very strong part of all our programs.
     *Making new friends

     Kids should bring a spare change of clothes, as well as winter clothing for days we head into the barn.
     AGES: 5 to 8 years
     TIME: 5:30pm - 7:30pm
     WHEN: Wednesday Evenings
     MEMBERSHIP: ($25 per day or $20 per day if paid in advance at the start of the month).
     REGISTERATION: There are limited spots available. Spots will be held once payment has been received.
     March 2, 9, 16, 23,30
     April 6, 13, 20, 27
     May 4, 11, 18, 25

     Ontario is taking important steps to prevent the spread of invasive species through the boater pathway by implementing
     rules are based on Clean, Drain, Dry practices. Effective January 1st, 2022 boaters will be required to remove drain plugs
     and  take  reasonable  precautions  to  remove  all  aquatic  plants,  animals,  and  algae  from  their  boats  immediately  upon
     removing the watercraft from a waterbody. In addition, boaters will also be required to ensure their watercraft is free of all
     aquatic plants, animals, and algae before arriving at a boat launch or launching their boat in any Ontario waterbody.

     The  objective  of  this  proposal  is  to  prevent  the  introduction  and  spread  of  aquatic  invasive  species  which  can  occur
     through the movement of watercraft overland to other waterbodies in Ontario and to other provinces and states. The rules
     are based on the Clean, Drain, Dry practices which have been promoted through education and outreach efforts across
     North America, by FOCA, and others. Boaters are now required to remove drain plugs, drain all on board water and remove
     any aquatic plants upon removing the watercraft from a waterbody.

     Prior  to  reaching  a  launch  site  for  a  body  of  water,  the
     watercraft,  watercraft  equipment  and  any  vehicle  or  trailer
     used to transport the watercraft or watercraft equipment must
     not have an aquatic plant, animal or algae attached to it Note:
     watercraft  includes  any  motorboat,  rowboat,  canoe,  punt,
     sailboat,  or  raft.  To  learn  more  visit
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