Page 2 - News On 7 April 2022 Edition
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                                                         SPRING IS IN THE AIR
                       Spring may be officially here, but it is hard to believe with all the snow on the ground. April can be that
                       crazy transition month in Ontario where we can expect anything from snowstorms to t-shirt weather. For
                       many of us, this is not our favorite time of year. Personally, I am not a fan of the dirty, muddy streets and
                       sidewalks and driveways as the snow melts.
                       Have you ever noticed though how kids see the seasons and weather differently from adults? I have never
                       heard kids analyze the weather like we do. They tend to look for the positives and are great at finding the
                       fun in any weather and making a game out of almost anything.

     This  time  of  year,  children  walk  around  with  a  glow  in  their  eyes,
     seeking out the biggest and muddiest puddle to jump in. The theme is,
     “Let’s see just how wet and muddy we can get!” They scout around for
     dirty  snow  piles  left  in  yards  or  parking  lots  and,  when  they  do  find
     them, they are always drawn to climbing to the top. Gravel and dirt on
     the roads? No bother!  “Let’s get our bikes out and race down the street!”
     I love the carefree way that children naturally seek out the fun in any
     Now, April comes hand in hand with yummy maple syrup, sugar shacks
     and Easter fun, so I would like to wishing everyone a Happy Easter and
     here’s hoping for a quick melt and sunny days ahead!

     Shari Pearce, President of the Madoc & District Chamber of Commerce

                                                                 Submissions & Letters
                                                                 Articles  and  letters  may  be  submitted  for  possible
                                                                 publication  by  sending  a  brief  outline  by  email  to
        We need you........We welcome your input to News  or  including  your  letter  in  the
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                                     Volume 2  Issue 04
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