Page 4 - News On 7 April 2022 Edition
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    SAN  FRANCISCO  STRING  of  SILVERS!        Great  start  to  the  2022  wine  season!
    Canada’s Potter Settlement Artisan Winery had a very respectable win debuting
    our  NEW  wines  at  the  San  Francisco  International  Wine  Competition  besting
    THOUSANDS  of  wine  entries  from  around  the  world!  We  only  entered  FOUR
    wines and each earned FOUR consecutive silver medals . See the medals pictured
    here  adorning  our  new  2020  Portàge  fortified  wine,  our  2020  Pinot  Noir  Rosé,
    2019 Pinot Gris and 2020 Cabernet Franc! Proud to represent fantastic Ontario-
    grown wines!

    Like  many  winter-weary  Canadians,  insects  have  been  waiting  for  warmer  weather.  As  Canada's  bug  season  officially  gets
    underway, here are three insects homeowners might want to be on the lookout for.
    WASPS: Once the temperature reaches about 10°C, last year's paper wasp queens are on the hunt for a new place to build
    their summer homes. Prevention: She's looking for gaps in your brick, corners of your soffit, or small enclosed spaces like
    mailboxes. Do a regular walk around your home in the spring and look for early nests and fill any gaps in your brickwork that
    aren't supposed to be there. Through summer, look for wasp traffic coming and going in large numbers to identify potential
    trouble spots.
    Here's what to do if you find a nest on your property; If a nest is established in your walls, store-bought poisons won't go very
    far and you might have to call in an exterminator. For nests on the exterior of your home, your best time to attack is at night
    when the wasps are less active.
    LDD MOTHS: LDD moths are a plague on trees and can eventually kill them. If you spot the early beginnings of an infestation,
    it's best to act quickly. You don't want to foot the bill for taking down a dead tree on your property, and the caterpillars will
    leave hard black droppings in late spring underneath infested trees.
    Why Spring? Spring is when this pest inflicts most of the damage to foliage, but luckily you can reduce their numbers before
    they even hatch.  Prevention: The beige, LDD moth egg sac stands out on trees and it can be scraped off into soapy water.
    Once they hatch, caterpillars can also be rounded up into soapy water, along with the adult moths who emerge from their
    cocoons in summer.  Elimination: If the caterpillars are heading up one of your favorite trees, you can try wrapping it with
    burlap to trap them and round them up.
    ANTS: Spring is when it's time for the next generation of ants to emerge. Warm temperatures mean new freedom to wander,
    and new food sources to discover.  Prevention: Keeping ants away involves making sure there's nothing tasty that they can
    access inside your home, which includes crumbs in the dining room and pet food dishes placed on the floor.
    Elimination: The best at-home remedy to get rid of ants involves mixing Borax with sugar and water and letting them take the
    toxic substance back to their nest. With any luck, they'll disappear in a few days. Just be careful with Borax solutions around
    pets as it's toxic to them as well.
    General maintenance in your yard and on your home is key to preventing these pests from ruining your summer to come.

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