Page 34 - 2022 Fair Book
P. 34

                                           Any age: (Entry must be made by Exhibitor)

      40.   KIWANIS CLUB OF MADOC -   Prizes: 1st—$15,              RULES  AND  REGULATIONS:    This  competition  is
      2nd—$10                                                       open to amateur winemakers only.

                                                                    All entries must bear the appropriate entry tag securely
      Chocolate Brownies, with or without nuts, 3 (2” squares) on a

      plate, covered with wrap or In a zip lock bag.  Judged on     attached to the neck of the bottle. No single wine may

      Flavour, Texture, Appearance and Uniformity.                  be entered in more than one category.  One bottle per
                                                                    category for each Exhibitor.  Judging will be based on

         NEW SPECIAL SECTION—AMATEUR WINEMAKING                     the  following  citeria;  Colour,  Clarity,  Bouquet  and
                                                                     Flavour, Balance and Quality.  Wines to be presented
      RULES AND REGULATIONS:  This competition is open to           in 700-750 ml bottles.  Wines will be judged at room
      amateur winemakers only.                                      temperature.  Wines  must  be  received  no  later  than
      All  entries  must  bear  the  appropriate  entry  tag  securely     11:00 am on Friday, September 14th (The building will
      attached  to  the  neck  of  the  bottle.  No  single  wine  may  be     also be open Thursday evening, September 13th from
      entered in more than one category.  One bottle per category for   7:00 to 8:30 pm to receive entries.)  Judging will take
      each Exhibitor.  Judging will be based on the following criteria;     place on the afternoon of Friday, September 16th.
      Colour,  Clarity,  Bouquet  and  Flavour,  Balance  and  Quality.      Entries not appropriate for the specified category will
      Wines to be presented in 700-750 ml bottles.  Wines will be   be disqualified.
      judged at room temperature.  Wines must be received no later
      than  11:00  am  on  Friday,  (The  building  will  also  be  open     Prizes;  1st—$10, 2nd—$8, 3rd—$5 (for Classes
      Thursday  evening,  from  7:00  to  8:30  pm  to  receive  entries.)    41,42 and 43)
      Judging will take place on the afternoon of Friday, September     41. Red Wine—should be full red in colour with a
      14th.    Entries not appropriate for the specified category will be     lingering aftertaste.  Best Baco Noir, Sponsored
      disqualified.                                                    by The Wine Barrel, Madoc
                                                                    42. White Wine—can vary from almost colourless to
        Prizes;  1st—$12, 2nd—$8, 3rd—$5 (for Classes 41, 42           pale gold.  Best Chardonnay, Sponsored by The
                              and 43)                                  Wine Barrel, Madoc
               Sponsored by the Wine Barrel of Madoc                43. Fruit Wine—may be dry or sweet, for use as a
                                                                       social drink, not intended to be served with a

                                                                       meal.  Best Apple Wine.        Sponsored by The
      41. Best Red Wine, labelled—should be full red in colour with     Wine Barrel, Madoc.
          a lingering aftertaste.                                   44. Best Overall—Judges favourite categories 41, 42
      42. Best White Wine, labelled—can vary from almost               and 43 Gift Certificate for a Wine Tasting and
          colourless to pale gold.                                     Tour for ten people, ($150.00 value), must be
      43.  Fruit Wine—may be dry or sweet, for use as a social         legal drinking age—sponsored by The Grange of
      drink, not intended to be served with a meal.                    Prince Edward County
      44. Best Overall—Judges favourite categories 41, 42 and 43
      Gift Certificate for a Wine Tasting and Tour for ten people,
      ($150 value).  Must be  of legal drinking age.  Sponsored by
      The Grange of Prince Edward County.
      45.  ($150.00 value), must be of legal drinking age—
      Sponsored by The Grange of Prince Edward County

                                         Prizes:  1st, $12.00;    2nd, $8.00;    3rd, $5.00

               45.    Harry Dennis Special:  Maple Syrup Pie, any size, on an aluminum plate, in a zip-lock bag or in
               plastic wrap.

               46.     Steve Needham Special: Maple Syrup Candy, four (4) on a plate, covered in plastic wrap or in a
               zip-lock bag.

               47.   Wendy and Mike Sniderhan Special: Maple Syrup Tarts, 3 on a plate, covered in plastic wrap or in
               a zip-lock bag.
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