Page 31 - 2022 Fair Book
P. 31

                                                                    CLASS 500
                                                 Committee Chairperson: Brooke Berry 613-438-4795
                                                     Committee: Sheila Johnson—613-473– 4496
                                                        No Entry Fee. - No exhibitor # required.
                                            PRIZES:   1  - $ 3.00; 2  - $2.00 3  - $1.00; 4  - $.75; 5  - $.50
                                   You may enter in your age category or any OLDER age category.  Entries MUST be picked up
                                    at 4 pm Sunday.  Prizes will be distributed at the fair when you pick up your entries

       BOYS & GIRLS 4 YEARS OLD AND UNDER                      SPECIAL:
       JW501 - Collection of bugs in ½ an egg carton.          The following four (4) categories have prize money donated by

       JW502 - Trace your hand – colour with crayons or markers, 8   Ethel Stein and Sandra Hannah.
       ½ X 11.

       JW503 - Portrait of our family  - crayons or markers    Prizes:  1st: $2.50, 2nd:$1.50, 3rd:$1.00, 4th:$.75, 5th:$.50
       JW504 – Page from colouring book, coloured – 8 ½ x 11

       JW505 -  Collection of 6 flowers in a container with water.   JW531—Quick bread loaf—any size (ex. Banana bread)
              Sponsored by: Sheila Johnson                     JW532—Three (3) brownies, iced
                                                               JW533-   Applesauce, 1 pint jar.
       BOYS & GIRLS 5 OR 6 YEARS OLD                           JW534—Box for sick friend—2 items homemade
       JW506—Picture made from magazine cut outs (8 ½ X 11).   (does not necessarily mean baking), no larger than a shoe box
       JW507 - Page from colouring book, coloured (8 ½ X 11).    size.
       JW508 - Large cookie with funniest face  (5 X 7 ).
       JW509 - Decorated flower pot.
       JW510 – Paper plate mask.                               SPECIALS:

       BOYS & GIRLS 7 OR 8 YEARS OLD                           Prizes:  1st- $3;  2nd- $2.50;  3rd- $2.  $2.  Donated by
       JW511 – Something useful made from something useless.   Homecraft Division.
       JW512 - Original Rice Krispie creation.
       JW513 - Mask made from cardboard box (Orin Annis        *JW535- BOYS & GIRLS 9 TO 12 YEARS OLD
       suggested)                                              2 scrapbook pages, one theme, one side only on each page.
       JW514 - Picture of your family-hand drawn any media.
       JW515 – Boat made from Styrofoam.                       *JW536- BOYS & GIRLS 13 TO 16 YEARS OLD
                                                               2 Scrapbook Pages, one theme, one side only on each page.
       JW516 – Necklace made completely from edible material –
       displayed on a plate.
       JW517 – An item of your choice made from Lego.          JUNIOR PHOTOGRAPHY
       JW518 - Your version of “Mr. Potato Head” made from a real
       JW519 - Pencil sketch (8 ½ X 11).                       PRIZES: 1st- $3.00;  2nd- $2.00:  3rd- $1.00; 4th- $.75;  5th- $.50
       JW520 - Handmade sock puppet.
                                                               1 Snapshot mounted on black Bristol board, remember- you are
       BOYS & GIRLS 11 OR 12 YEARS OLD                         taking the picture.
       JW521 - Your favourite “logo” – any media (8 ½ X 11).
       JW522 - Decorate a paper or Styrofoam plate with seeds.   Ages:  9-12 Year olds
       JW523 - Bird House made from recycled material.         JW537  -  My Pet (s).
       JW524 - Dream Catcher (no bigger than 8” diameter).     JW538 - Things I do with my friend (s).
       JW525 – Make a friendship bracelet – any material 6-8” in    JW539 - A Holiday Celebration.
                                                               JW540  - In Nature
       BOYS & GIRLS 13—16 YEARS OLD                            JW541  - Birthday Celebration.
       JW526 - Something made from natural materials.
       JW527 - Your favourite cartoon character in pencil sketch (8   Ages: 13-16 Year olds
       ½ X 11).                                                JW542—Sunrise or Sunset
       JW528 - Article of clothing made from recycled material   JW543—Old Hands or Old Feet
       JW529 – Robot made from tin cans.                       JW544—Farming
       JW530 - Decorated hard boiled egg/eggs—1 or more eggs   JW545—Reflection Image—Mirror or otherwise
       may be used in our display egg or eggs must be displayed in   JW546— Wildlife
       a container, and the container will be considered as part of
       entry                                                   SPECIAL:

                                                               PRIZES: 1ST - $5; 2ND - $3; 3RD - $2

                                                               Donated by: Peter & Brooke Berry In memory of Evelyn Boyle

                                                               JW547 – Collage of Photographs on black Bristol board 11 x 14
                                                                      Depicting Family Fun.
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