Page 35 - Des Pawson "Des Pawson's Knot Craft" 2 edit.
P. 35
KNOTCRAFT 2009:Layout 1 23/10/09 12:17 Page 34
A Start
B Hitching both ways
How to reduce
How to increase
tight before locking everything place of the old short end which
in place by hitching round the can then be covered by
second side. Carry on hitching subsequent rows. Carry on
out from the middle, trying to hitching to the end. As the
keep the starting point from fender tapers away it’s possible to
slipping away from the centre of shape the cover by dropping
the fender. every second or third hitch,
When the two sides have used finally burying the end back
up almost all the rope, assess under a couple of rows of
how much of the fender has hitching. By seeing how much
been covered and therefore how line was used on the first end
much more rope will be needed you may be able to have a
to cover the rest of that side, and slightly shorter end on the
make a note of what you think second half, but do not cut too
you will need. short or you may need to join in
This new rope will need to be yet another short end.
joined in. This can be done in a If you want to cover a teardrop
couple of ways, either with a long shaped fender, it is possible to
splice, leaving the tails to start at the narrow end and
be trimmed off later, or by gradually increase the number of
bringing the new rope from hitches by making two hitches in
under a couple of the previous a space instead of the usual
rows and out of the hitch in single hitch.