Page 38 - Des Pawson "Des Pawson's Knot Craft" 2 edit.
P. 38
KNOTCRAFT 2009:Layout 1 23/10/09 12:17 Page 37
For the backbone of a fender between 1-2m overall: a piece of 6 or
8mm short or long link galvanised chain, 1 or 2 shackles and short
pieces of chain (optional) for central suspension points.
For the core: it is sensible to use old scrap rope, in all sizes from
6mm to 50mm, if you can get hold of it. I prefer to use synthetic
rope, as it doesn’t hold the water as much, and preferably polypropy-
lene, which is the lightest of the synthetics. It is useful to have all
sizes available, and you will use a surprisingly large amount.
For hitching of the cover: lengths of rope based on the guide figures
for covering a plastic fender (160m of 10-12mm for 1 square metre).
For a Turk’s head rubbing piece: rope of the same or a larger diame-
ter than you used to hitch the cover. A 4 lead 5 bight Turk’s head
(page 66) followed round 3 times will need approx 18-20 times the
circumference of the fender.
KNOTS USED Constrictor knots: page 9
Packers knots: page 9
Half hitches: page 34
4 lead 5 bight Turk’s head: like page 66
Measure the chain to be used, there is also a call for a chain to
not forgetting that it will be in hold the fender in place down
the centre of the fender so it will below the fender.
need to be longer than the inner With the suspension chains
part of the fender, and allow an rigged, fit 4 thin ropes in the
extra 150mm each end for tails space formed by the interlinking
outside the fender. Mark the of the chain links. Tie these
middle of the chain. Rig the ropes in place using either a
chain backbone tight between series of constrictor knots or one
two swivels at about waist height. of the variations of packer’s
If there is a need for suspension knots. If you have it available,
chains fit them now with a wrap round the 4 ropes and
shackle either at the centre, if chain with more thin rope,
just one, or a few inches either starting at the middle and
side of the centre if you use 2 working out, being sure to treat
suspension chains. A really long both sides equally. Unless the
fender may have 4 or even 6 fender is to finish up almost
suspension chains. Occasionally straight, remove the wrapped