Page 43 - Des Pawson "Des Pawson's Knot Craft" 2 edit.
P. 43
KNOTCRAFT 2009:Layout 1 23/10/09 12:17 Page 42
Note: the ties go down the Coiling up the core and
centre of the pipe putting in the chains
on up to the top of the button skipping every third hitch for a
fender base (180mm). If you are whole row. Then make a full row
using a variety of material to skipping every fourth hitch, and
build up your core, you can wrap finally skip every other hitch until
it round the pipe to the height you reach the centre and finish by
(180mm) required and work burying the end, bringing it right
back down again to the base. out to the edge. Give the fender
This way you will have to put the another good beating with a
chain in the middle and wrap up mallet before finishing the other
and down round it until you side in the same manner.
reach the 230mm diam wanted. All that remains is to fit the
When the core is the right size, fender good and tight to the
pull out the cord ends that are boat. It is a good idea to saw
down inside the pipe and tie each through one of the links of the
end to its own other end with a chain so that, should a fender get
packers knot, giving a good heave caught in a lock, the chain gives
tight as you do. Remove the pipe, way before the boat ends up
bed the rope down with a few under the water.
blows with a mallet and apply
extra bindings to ensure the core
will hold together come what C
may. You may wish to cover this
base with some sacking, it
certainly helps to hitch over a
smooth surfaced core.
Put the middle of the cover
rope round the middle of the
fender core and start hitching out
each side. When you reach the
edge of the core, decrease by The core all finished and tied up