Page 45 - Des Pawson "Des Pawson's Knot Craft" 2 edit.
P. 45
KNOTCRAFT 2009:Layout 1 23/10/09 12:17 Page 44
MATERIALS The length of rope required depends on the length
of ladder you are making. The measurements
given are for one rung, and the rope both sides
between that and the next rung. You need to
allow extra for rope at the top and any long tails
at the bottom of the ladder
For the all-rope ladder 1.3m of 12mm or 14mm
For the ladder using square plait, 70cm of 14 or
16mm, together with as many round wooden
rungs as needed. These rungs are usually between
300mm and 400mm overall and between 25mm
diameter for the shorter and 32mm diameter for
the longer, made from a hard wood (Ash is ideal)
KNOTS USED The all-rope ladder uses a variation on the Bowline
called the ‘Boas Bowline’ (see a) and a form of the
sheet bend (see b)
The ladder using the square plait rope just uses the
structure of the rope to hold the rung in place
Make knot a before making knot b