Page 48 - Des Pawson "Des Pawson's Knot Craft" 2 edit.
P. 48

KNOTCRAFT 2009:Layout 1  23/10/09  12:17  Page 47

                                         SIMPLE LANY ARD
                  MATERIALS     For a neck lanyard: 2m of 5mm 3 strand rope
                                For a dog lead: 2m of 10mm 3 strand rope and a clip

                  KNOTS USED    Eye splice start: diagram a
                                Diamond knot/crown and wall doubled: diagram b


                  Put a temporary seizing about   making a diamond knot. Double
                  200mm from the end of the       the diamond knot and then
                  rope, then unlay the 3 strands,  treble if you like. Now repeat the
                  taping the ends so that they do  same knot but this time make a
                  not come undone. Form a loop
                  of about 70mm and tuck the 3    B
                  strands as in the start of an eye
                  splice.                         Start of            Crown knot
                     Now make a crown knot        doubling
                  round the rope, followed by a
                  wall beneath the crown, thus


                                                                    Wall knot

                                                  big (about 500mm) loop at the
                                                  other end. Check the fit of the
                                                  lanyard for yourself by holding
                                                  the little loop in your
                                                  outstretched hand, to get the
                                                  perfect length of neck loop
                                                  before making the splice start. If
                                                  you wish you could make an
                          The eye splice start    extended diamond knot by

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