Page 51 - Des Pawson "Des Pawson's Knot Craft" 2 edit.
P. 51

KNOTCRAFT 2009:Layout 1  23/10/09  12:17  Page 50

                                         A F ANCY LANY ARD

                    KNOTS USED    Portuguese sennit: page 17
                                  Spiral Portuguese sennit: page 17
                                  Diamond knot: pages 19, 88
                                  4 strand round sennit: diagram a and b
                                  Diamond knot spliced: page 47
                                  Extended diamond: diagrams c and d

                   Fold both pieces of line in half,  B
                   seizing them together to make a
                   pair of loops about 60mm
                   overall and giving you 4 ends (2
                   long and 2 short). Make a
                   diamond knot (crown first then
                   wall below (see pages 19, 88))
                   double by following round, then
                   take hold of the seizing and
                   work the diamond knot tight.
                   When this has been done you
                   will have the loops which will
                   take the item that you don’t
                   want to lose. If you prefer only
                   one loop at the end there are 2
                   solutions; one is that after
                    A                              tightening the diamond knot
                                                   you could cut out the spare loop,
                                                   or the other, a much more
                                                   seamanlike way, is to work the
                                                   spare loop right down out of
                                                   sight into the middle of the
                                                   diamond knot. Now with the 4
                                                   strands make a length of 4
                                                   strand round sennit about 80-
                                                   120mm long for a short lanyard
                                                   or 350mm for a longer lanyard.
                                                   If you wish you can stop along
                                                   the length of this bit of sennit
                                                   and pop in another diamond
                                                   knot and/or any other fancy 4
                         4 strand round sennit     strand knot, a star knot or a
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