Page 52 - Des Pawson "Des Pawson's Knot Craft" 2 edit.
P. 52
KNOTCRAFT 2009:Layout 1 23/10/09 12:17 Page 51
C strand round sennit before
making a tucked diamond knot
of 4 strands (see simple lanyard,
page 47) or you can make an
extended diamond knot by
making one extra tuck, follow
round 3 times; trim off the ends,
whichever knot you choose, and
wear your lanyard with pride.
Crown knot start for diamond knot
Matthew Walker perhaps. The
next part will form the neck
loop. Start by making about 70-
80mm of spiral Portuguese
sennit (page 17) then 600mm of
flat Portuguese sennit (this is the
bit that actually sits round the
back of your neck). Finally make
another short length of spiral
Portuguese sennit, this time
making the twist the opposite
way to the first piece of spiral Make a wall knot below the crown,
sennit . You should now have 4 then tuck all strands as shown before
shortish tails which you can doubling to make an extended
splice into the last bit of the 4 diamond knot