Page 54 - Des Pawson "Des Pawson's Knot Craft" 2 edit.
P. 54

KNOTCRAFT 2009:Layout 1  23/10/09  12:17  Page 53

                                     A B OSUN’S CHAIR/S WING

                   MATERIALS    A full size Bosun’s Chair seat is usually about
                                  450–500m x 200mm and 25–35mm thick with
                                  the 4 holes at the corners 20mm in diameter
                                18mm 3 strand rope as long as the situation

                   KNOTS USED   For a Bosun’s Chair:
                                Short splice (page 74)
                                A seizing (page 27)

                                (For a garden swing):
                                Eye splice [page 47] and/or
                                Diamond eye splice [page 47]

                  For both the swing and the
                  Bosun’s Chair, first make sure
                  that the corners of the actual
                  plank are well rounded to avoid
                  damage to ship or people, and
                  that the edges of the holes are
                  smooth and rounded to reduce
                  wear on the rope.
                    I once saw an illustration of
                  an old Dutch Bosun’s chair with
                  a simple but effective carved
                  pattern that made the seat itself
                  less slippery and it was a joy to
                  the eye. You may like to try
                  something like it.
                    For the Bosun’s Chair, one
                  piece of rope is reeved round in  The rope should always cross under
                  a continuous manner with the               the seat.
                  two ends being joined under the
                  seat with a short splice.       making a flat seizing round the 4
                    A loop is made from the 2     ‘legs’. It is a good idea to have a
                  bights of rope at the top by    thimble in this eye.

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