Page 56 - Des Pawson "Des Pawson's Knot Craft" 2 edit.
P. 56

KNOTCRAFT 2009:Layout 1  23/10/09  12:17  Page 55

                                        R OPE HANDRAILS
                   MATERIALS    500mm of 24mm 3 or 4 strand rope to make the
                                  manrope knot, a little more for a diamond knot.
                                800m of 36mm of 3 or 4 strand rope to make the
                                  manrope knot, a little more for the diamond knot
                                Sellotape or Scotch Tape to tape the strand ends. I
                                  prefer these tapes to electrical tape or gaffer/duct
                                  tape, as it is thinner.
                                Thick leather for the washer

                   KNOTS USED    Constrictor knot as a temporary seizing
                                 Manrope knot (‘wall and crown’)

                  If you are going to have leather  Tape the end of the rope so it
                  washers you must make them      is easier to thread it through the
                  first. The best way of doing this is  brackets or stanchions, and fit
                  to make a cardboard template,   the leather washer if you are
                  drawing the 6 pointed star with a  having one. Measure the allow  -
                  pair of compasses. The circle that  ance for the knot and tie a
                  forms the outer points of the star  constrictor knot as a temporary
                  should be about 3 times the dia  -  seizing. Unlay the strands and
                  meter of the hole in the middle.  tape the ends. First make a wall
                  Remember, rope can be a bit over  knot, then top it with a crown
                  its stated size.  Pin this template  knot and double the whole lot. I
                  onto the leather and use a chisel  prefer to double below the wall
                  to cut out the points of the star.  and crown, rather than above.
                  Finally, use a punch for the centre  Finally tuck the ends down inside
                  hole. I always do this, cutting into  the knot and trim.
                  the end grain of a block of wood.   The result will be a hand  -
                     Now you can start the knots.   somely finished handrail.
                   A                              B

                  Manrope knot, first a           Double the knot by
                  wall knot then a                following round with
                  crown knot on top               each strand as indicated
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