Page 61 - Des Pawson "Des Pawson's Knot Craft" 2 edit.
P. 61

KNOTCRAFT 2009:Layout 1  23/10/09  12:17  Page 60

                                   TILLER/B O A T HOOK CO VERING
                   change the colour of the line used. It is well worth
                   experimenting, by dipping a piece of your line into the intended
                   varnish. Many yacht varnishes will make a flax or hemp line go
                   very dark brown, and will turn a white line a golden colour. I
                   have found that some of the varnishes based on either acrylic or
                   PVA, which allow the brushes to be cleaned in water and are
                   sometimes sold as ‘low odour’, only slightly darken the work. In
                   the past this sort of work would have been painted, probably
                   white, with perhaps the Turk’s heads picked out in a selection
                   of colours.


                     I usually use 2mm diam line or even smaller on most handles, with
                   perhaps 3 or 4mm material for mast support posts. Irrespective of
                   which method you decide to use, the amount of material required
                   must be determined for each job by taking a metre and making a series
                   of half hitches round the item to be covered. When the metre has all
                   been used up, measure and see how long the piece of hitching is,
                   divide that length into the overall length to be covered and add say
                   10% for luck. You now know how many metres you require.
                     I usually use thicker material for the Turk’s heads at each end.
                     Varnish or paint if required.

                    KNOTS USED    Constrictor knot: page 9
                                  French hitching: diagram a
                                  Moku hitching: diagram b
                                  St Mary’s hitching: diagram c
                                  Turk’s heads of choice: pages 28, 66, 76, 77, 78, 79

                   First work out the amount of    up the line into a bundle or
                   material you need (see above)   bundles, perhaps held with a
                   either as one piece for French  rubber band.
                   hitching or divided into 2 ends   Always start with a constrictor
                   for Moku hitching, or 2/3 and   knot tied in the material, at the
                   1/3 if you are using St Mary’s  end for French hitching, in the
                   hitching. You should then make  middle if you are going to use

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