Page 62 - Des Pawson "Des Pawson's Knot Craft" 2 edit.
P. 62

KNOTCRAFT 2009:Layout 1  23/10/09  12:17  Page 61

                                  TILLER/B O A T HOOK CO VERING

                   A                  B                   C

                       French hitching;  Moku hitching; hitch  St Mary’s hitching;
                      always hitch in the  alternate strands in  always hitch the strand
                       same direction    opposite directions.  at the top, all hitches in
                                                              the same direction.

                  Moku hitching, or in the middle   When you have finished
                  of the longer piece and holding  hitching, use one of the strands
                  the short length in place for St  to make another constrictor knot
                  Mary’s hitching. Then you can   to hold the end(s) secure. Finish
                  start making your half hitches.   each end with a Turk’s head
                    As always, keeping an even    covering the constrictor knot.
                  tension is the key to good        Things can be a little more
                  looking work. Fine line has a   complicated if you like the idea
                  tendency to cut into your hands  of making a selection of hitching
                  as you tighten each hitch, so if  styles on a single piece. If in
                  you intend to cover a long length  doubt, allow a little extra line to
                  it would be a good idea to wear  start with. Also, I find it’s easier
                  gloves or finger protection of  and neater to change from a
                  some sort. I find a short piece of  method using 2 or 3 strands to
                  bicycle inner tube works well if  one that uses fewer strands
                  the line I am using is anything  rather than adding extra strands.
                  but white, other people take    You may still need to cover the
                  preventative   measures   by    transition point with a Turk’s
                  wrapping some tape round the    head.
                  fingers that take most of the     Varnish or paint the finished
                  punishment.                     job if appropriate.

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