Page 67 - Des Pawson "Des Pawson's Knot Craft" 2 edit.
P. 67
KNOTCRAFT 2009:Layout 1 23/10/09 12:17 Page 66
4 lead 5 bight Turk’s head start 4 lead 5 bight Turk’s head ready to
be doubled or trebled
that you started with. Now tucking under over under, you
neaten up each spoke junction will finish up with 4 strands
point with a 4 lead 5 bight plaited together with 3 bights
Turk’s head, probably followed on the edge.
round 3 times. Dummy up with
a dozen slack turns round the
rim and add a bit to get the C
rough amount needed for this
knot. Measure the length of
material used to make the first
Turk’s head before you start, so
that you can be closer in your
measurement for the rest of the
knots. Finish off with a Turk’s
head in 4mm line at the king
spoke or centre position on the
wheel. The result will be a very D
good looking wheel which is
much more pleasant to hold
than the cold stainless steel.
4 Lead 3 bight Turk’s head:
This Turk’s head is based on the
constrictor knot (see page 9). It
is best to practice by tying it
round your fingers. By splitting
open the knot and making a 4 lead 3 bight Turk’s head
pass round your hand and