Page 69 - Des Pawson "Des Pawson's Knot Craft" 2 edit.
P. 69
KNOTCRAFT 2009:Layout 1 23/10/09 12:17 Page 68
MATERIALS A belt buckle of your choice
Some fine line preferably quite hard laid,
1mm-2mm diam
It is difficult to specify how many lengths of material
will be needed as this will depend on the width of
the buckle and how many square knots can be tied
side by side to make that width. This must be
worked out by making up a small sample piece
The length of the individual pieces of line will
depend on the length of the belt. When square
knotting you need the lengths to be 4-5 times the
finished length. As we start at the point of the belt
with the line doubled back, the actual pieces of
line will be about 9 times the finished belt length.
To make a belt approximately 1.2m long you will
need to cut your line in 10-12 metre lengths
KNOTS USED Portuguese sennit/square knotting: see also page 17
I always start at the shaped end such as insulating board, a thick
of the belt and finish at the cork tile, a piece of soft foam
buckle, as it is so much easier to covered with cloth, or even a
hide the ends behind the buckle cushion or pillow, but it is
and the pointed end is the part possible to work it in your
that is handled the most, so hands. Start by middling 2
needs to be strong and neat. For pieces of line, folding them back
the start it helps to have some on themselves. Make the first
pins and a piece of soft board, piece of Portuguese sennit or
The shaped end start shown open for clarity but all knots should be pulled up snug