Page 70 - Des Pawson "Des Pawson's Knot Craft" 2 edit.
P. 70
KNOTCRAFT 2009:Layout 1 23/10/09 12:17 Page 69
square knotting by tying the B
outer 2 strands round the Bar of buckle
middle 2 strands. Then place 2
more middled pieces of line
either side of your first square
knot and with 2 of the ends from
the first knot and 2 new ends
make another square knot, first
one side of the initial knot and
repeat the other, so making new
square knots either side of the
first (see diagram b). Carry on
linking the square knots and
adding in extra pairs of line until
the required width is reached.
You can now keep up the square
knotting for the entire length of
the belt. Make sure that each row The finish at the buckle from the back,
is the same, and that you make shown open for clarity but all knots
every square knot the same way. should be pulled up snug
When you reach the buckle,
bring the ends round the bar of
the buckle and tie them off with last couple of pieces of the
a square knot round themselves Portuguese sennit. For some
with the ends at the back of the materials you may feel that a
belt buckle, tucked back, parallel little touch of glue will help to
with the core strands of the hold any loose ends in place.