Page 64 - Des Pawson "Des Pawson's Knot Craft" 2 edit.
P. 64
KNOTCRAFT 2009:Layout 1 23/10/09 12:17 Page 63
MATERIALS 2 x 3.3m of 3mm cord
2 x 2m of 3mm cord
2 split rings of about 16mm are required unless you
attach directly to the camera or binoculars
KNOTS USED Diamond knots: pages 19, 88
Portuguese sennit flat: page 17
Spiral Portuguese sennit: page 17
4 strand round sennit: page 50
Crown loop ends: diagram a
If you start at the middle of the Portuguese sennit one way.
strap you will have to handle Untie your seizing and work the
shorter pieces of line and so other way using the other long
make a quicker, easier and lengths of line. You will need to
hopefully neater job. At the make at least 150mm each way,
middle of the 2 shorter pieces, ie 300mm in total; you could
temporarily tie the centre of the then do a short length of
longer pieces, and with the long twisted Portuguese sennit each
lengths of line commence flat end, if you wish. Do keep some
symmetry to your work. At each
A end make a diamond knot and
double it (pages 19, 88). Now
make about 250mm of 4 strand
round sennit each side (page 50)
and put on a temporary seizing
to stop the sennit coming
unlaid while you finish each
end of the strap. First do a
crown knot and then make an
extra tuck to give a loop to go
through the fittings on your
binoculars or have a split ring
put through later. Complete by
making a diamond knot and
doubling it (pages 19, 88). Then
fit split rings to the ends so that
Make a loop before creating the
diamond knot by making a wall knot your strap can be fitted to your
underneath and then doubling binoculars or camera.