Page 63 - Des Pawson "Des Pawson's Knot Craft" 2 edit.
P. 63

KNOTCRAFT 2009:Layout 1  23/10/09  12:17  Page 62

                            Binocular Strap

                       INOCULARS AND MANY cameras need a strap or lanyard that
                   Bhas loops at both ends and will sit comfortably round the
                   back of the neck. This strap uses the width of the Portuguese sen-
                   nit to take the weight on the neck and the flexibility of 4 strand
                   round sennit for the rest of the piece. As both sides of the strap
                   must match it has to be worked out from the middle, giving the
                   problem of making little loops on each end. The principle of the
                   solution described here was first pointed out to me by Paulo
                   Escudeiro from Portugal, and it can easily be adapted to make
                   loops on the ends of lanyards and other items that have 4 or
                   more strands. These loops could be made directly onto the fixing
                   rings of the binoculars, or you may wish to fit small split rings
                   that can in turn be fitted to the fixing points. Make the strap as
                   long as you like, camera straps are usually longer than binocular
                   straps, but you are the one making it so do what suits you.

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