Page 57 - Des Pawson "Des Pawson's Knot Craft" 2 edit.
P. 57

KNOTCRAFT 2009:Layout 1  23/10/09  12:17  Page 56

                          Cat-o-Nine Tails

                       (Ditty Bag Lanyard)

                      HAVE YET TO SEE a true cat o-nine-tails from that brutal peri-
                   I od when men could be flogged for the least infringement of
                   discipline. There are a few descriptions but these are hard to
                   decipher. Most cat-o-nine-tails in museums are someone’s inter-
                   pretation rather than the real thing. The truth is, probably the
                   ‘cat’ was nothing very fancy, but rather just a piece of 3 strand
                   rope with a couple of knots in it to form the handle, then 3
                   strands opened out into the yarns, and these yarns laid up or
                   plaited into lashes, the tails being knotted at the end to stop
                   them coming undone. It was probably thrown away after use.
                     The ‘cat’ that I describe here can easily serve as the basis of a
                   ditty bag lanyard; just use 8 tails. This cat-o-nine-tails is more a
                   decoration than for real use, but mounted on a board it makes
                   a fine trophy, perhaps to be awarded symbolically to the last in
                   a race or to someone who has encouraged improvement in a
                   team. It starts with a Matthew Walker knot, one of my
                   favourites. Here it is tied with 9 lines, which can prove quite a
                   handful, but not impossible using my method, which starts with
                   a wall knot and grows from there. It will work for 3 or more
                   strands. Try it out with 3 or 4 lines to start with and work your
                   skill level up to the 9 slowly.

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