Page 50 - Des Pawson "Des Pawson's Knot Craft" 2 edit.
P. 50

KNOTCRAFT 2009:Layout 1  23/10/09  12:17  Page 49

                         A Fancy Lanyard

                     OR SOMETHING SPECIAL, be it a hand-bearing compass, com-
                  Fpact camera, bosun’s call or special knife, it is good to have
                  a lanyard that will speak silently of the skills of its maker. Long
                  before there were certificates of competence for sailors, a man
                  would have been judged by those little displays of skill to be seen
                  in his knife lanyard or sea chest handles. Today many tradition-
                  al boat festivals operate a system of passes that are worn on a
                  piece of string round the neck. I first developed this lanyard to
                  wear my pass at the huge maritime festival held at Brest in 1992.
                  It is not often that I have time to make something for myself,
                  being busy making things for others; I made the ‘Brest lanyard’
                  on the ferry to France. It has served me well ever since and has
                  led to variations that can be used for other personal items. With
                  a short ‘tail’ it suits a sports teacher’s whistle or identity pass;
                  with a longer tail it would suit a rambler’s pocket compass. Make
                  the tail longer still and your knife should not go for a swim.

                   MATERIALS     For a short tailed lanyard: 1 x 5m and 1 x 10m of
                                  2mm line
                                 For a long tailed lanyard: 1 x 6m and 12m of
                                  2mm line

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