Page 46 - Des Pawson "Des Pawson's Knot Craft" 2 edit.
P. 46
KNOTCRAFT 2009:Layout 1 23/10/09 12:17 Page 45
For the all-rope ladder, middle strain is put on it and so hold
the rope and on one side tie the the rung in place. To ease the
Boas Bowline (a), the loop rung into the rope, first open up
forming the first rung of the a bit of a hole and then use a
ladder. With the other side, tuck pilot spike with an open tube
the rope as shown (b) to make a end the size of the rung, or if you
sheet bend, adjusting the ‘rung’ are get ting your rungs turned for
so that it is level. Reverse the you, it helps that the outer end is
arrangement between rungs to a short tapered or acorn shaped
get a balanced set of knots. point.
Rungs need to be no more than Again, space the rungs about
300mm apart. 300mm apart. I find it best to
Using the square plait, it is a stretch the rope doubled between
matter of working the ladder 2 fixed points, to give the 2 sides.
rung between the plait, to give 4 Put in the first rung both sides,
strands either side of the groove and then count down the same
in the rung. This is not so simple number of parts of plait each
and will be a tight fit. The rope side, keeping all twist out of the
will tighten up as soon as any rope, and put your next rung in.
Use a pilot spike to insert wooden rung