Page 20 - The Decorative Painter Spring 2015
P. 20

                                                           MIXED MEDIA
 Designs are 45% of original. Enlarge 222% for actual size.
With Gold Mix, dry-brush highlights on the bird’s head feathers, line the beak, and use the end of a brush to dot the bird’s chest. Line the ends of the fan flowers, stroke the yellow petals on the round and fan flowers, stroke and dot the yellow area of the large tulip, add highlight dots to the tulips, line the remain- ing yellow areas of the vase, and dot the red stripes on the vase with Gold Mix.
With Carbon Black, use the end of a brush to dot the bird’s eye and swirl design on the wing. Clean up the background around the design where pencil may have strayed with Burnt Umber.
Erase any remaining graphite lines. Brush the surface clean. Using wood glue, carefully attach the insert to the inside of the frame. Let dry, then take the plaque outside and lightly spray with four light coats of Prisma- color Fixative, changing direction with each coat and drying in between. This will protect your work and remove any wax bloom that might have developed. (Wax bloom is wax from the colored pencils rising to the surface, creating a dull look.) Lightly spatter the piece with Carbon Black. If you need to remove any unwanted spattering, the fixative will protect the colored pencil work. Let dry. When your painting is dry and set, apply a few coats of Jo Sonja’s Matte Varnish.
  Repeat design around frame.
For a free design at actual size, affix two first-class stamps to a #10 SASE and send to:
The Decorative Painter
ISSUE 1 - 2015
393 N. McLean Blvd.
Wichita, KS 67203-5968.
Allow four weeks for delivery.
 artist’s sketch
          Erika Joanne has
been a member of SDP
since 1999. Her design
work encompasses a
wide range of styles
and subject matter,
from lifelike realism to
whimsical and purely
imaginative. Decorative painting has opened many doors to her own creativity and has led her to sharing innovative ways to paint and create through classes, instructional packets, and videos. Erika’s packets include a mixed- media line—which combines colored pencil and acrylic paint with unique results—and her fanciful Signature Nutcracker line. Both can be seen on her website, www.erikajoanne. com, where you also can sign up for her free newsletter. You may write to Erika at Erika Joanne Designs, P.O. Box 630, Manchester, WA 98353; call (360) 769-8870; or email
                                   18 The Decorative Painter • ISSUE NO. 1, 2015

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