Page 39 - The Decorative Painter Spring 2015
P. 39

    STEP 2: With the no. 6 round, apply some loose washes of Quinacridone Gold to the rooftops and doorways. With the no. 4 round, paint in the windows and ceiling of the steeple with Dioxazine Purple+Raw Umber (1:1). Paint the shadows of the chimneys and darken the upper parts of the windows and doorway of the horizontal cabin. Darken under the roof eaves and inside the boats plus the windows of the distant cabin. Darken some of the cracks between the rocks. Using the no. 8 round, dry-brush some Medium Red Rose into the moon; this need not be exact. Wash your brush. Dry-brush some faint Sapphire Blue clouds across the moon. Still using the no. 8 round and Pro White, dry-brush some wispy lines in the sky. Add some rocks, steps, and shadows on the hill- side with Raw Sienna using the no. 4 round.
STEP 3: Using the no. 12 Special Effects Brush or a 3⁄4" flat wash, paint a coat of Medium Grey Value 6 onto the rocks. Cover everything except the rocks with paper towels. Wet a toothbrush and stir it in Blue Grey. Run your thumb over the bristles to spatter the rocks. Repeat with Burnt Si- enna. Let dry. Repeat with Raw Sienna. Let dry. Add a final
spatter of Dioxazine Purple+Raw Umber (1:1).
STEP 4: Mix some Hansa Yellow Medium and Pro White on the palette. Using the no. 6 Special Effects Brush (or the sharpest point you can find, such as a liner), paint the windows in the closest cabin and some color in the glass area of the steeple. Mix a small amount of Raw Sienna in with the yellow-white mixture and put some color on the boats and the lines in the windows. With the no. 4 round, add some Medium Red Rose to the rooftops. Take your toothbrush and apply a spattering of Hansa Yellow Medium and then Chrome Green Hue to the rocks. Let dry. Apply another spattering of Burnt Sienna and then Blue Grey. Let dry. Water down some Dioxazine Purple and with the no. 8 round, tap the brush on your index finger to create a spat- tering of dots. Using the no. 6 Special Effects Brush, repaint the cracks in the rocks and darken the path with Dioxazine Purple+Raw Umber (1:1).
The Decorative Painter • ISSUE NO. 1, 2015 37

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