Page 53 - The Decorative Painter Spring 2015
P. 53
(RS) (B)
(BS) (RU)
upper part of the surface with a little Sandstone, blending here and there with the roller. Let dry. Sand again. Spray with Liberty Matte Finish or Krylon no. 1311 Matte Fin- ish. Once the background is complete and dry, rub some subtle greens and umber from your oil palette onto the surface to suggest the original background.
Trace the design onto tracing paper. Lay oil-soluble graphite paper over the prepared surface. Place the inked
STEP 1: Prepared surface. Note softly blended grada- tions of value and color in the background.
PALETTE SETUP: Colors are laid out with colors used most frequently in the bot- tom row and those used less frequently in the top row. Bottom row, from the left: Ivory Black (B), Titanium White (W), Raw Sienna (RS), Raw Umber (RU), and Burnt Sienna (BS). Top row, from the left: Sap Green (SG), Alizarin Crimson (AC), and French Ultramarine (FUB).
design on top of the graphite. Lay a piece of tracing paper on top of the design to protect the original during trans- fer. Tape the stack into position. Using a ballpoint pen, transfer the design completely and carefully, including the details. Check during the transfer process to ensure the design is transferring clearly. If it’s too faint, change to a newer piece of graphite.
STEP 2: Prepared surface with transferred design.
The Decorative Painter • ISSUE NO. 1, 2015 51