Page 55 - The Decorative Painter Spring 2015
P. 55
STEP 6: Blend just a bit between the edges of the iris highlight. Add a speck of stronger Titanium White with the point of the round brush. Using the corner of a small brush, tap along the line where the iris meets the dark around it, and where the iris meets the pupil. Place the dark areas on the nose and mouth line with Ivory Black+Raw Umber.
STEP 8: Begin to place dark shadow areas on the face using Raw Umber+Black. Load mix on a no. 4 bright and apply with choppy strokes, being sure to follow the growth direction carefully.
STEP 10: Once the colors are based, use a dry brush to begin to carefully connect the dark values to the light, again remembering that one of the most important things in creat- ing fur-like texture is to follow the natural growth of the fur.
STEP 7: Base dirty brush+Titanium White on the rest of the nose and blend slightly into the surrounding dark, again using a small brush such as a no. 2 bright.
STEP 9: Begin to add the light values on the face and ears. For lighter values, use Titanium White+Raw Sienna. For darker values, reverse the proportion of that mix, us- ing more Raw Sienna. Use paint sparsely.
STEP 11: Now comes the red fox reds. Lay in Burnt Sienna+Raw Sienna (about 1:1) adjacent to and interlock- ing with the previous colors.
The Decorative Painter • ISSUE NO. 1, 2015 53