Page 62 - The Decorative Painter Spring 2018
P. 62
This design starts with basecoating in mid-value tertiary colors. The shading with a darker value begins to shape and form the flowers.
Load a no. 5 round brush in Raw Sienna, adding a touch of Husk and brush-mix on your palette. NOTE: To flatten the round brush, load in paint and work on dry palette to flatten. Thin paint with water to make fairly transparent and wash in all the yellow flowers, using strokes following the contour of the flowers. You use water at this point so you don’t lock in your pattern lines with Jo Sonja’s Clear Glaze Medium or Jo Sonja’s Magic Mix Medium. Add more Husk to the brush for a lighter color and basecoat the five-petal flowers and the buds to the right of the tulips. Streaky is O.K. and you can let some of the background show through. To get a looser, relaxed look to these smaller flowers, hold the brush farther back on the handle, giving a very light touch to the background.
All leaves are Olive Green thinned with water and only one application. Streaks are good. NOTE: You don’t need to put in all the leaves at this time. Most of them can be added freehand as the painting progresses.
Let air dry and erase all pattern lines. Evaluate the flowers at this point and if you need another application of color, repeat the previous step, keeping colors sheer.
NOTE: You can apply a thin layer of Jo Sonja’s Retar- der Medium or use Magic Mix Medium or Clear Glaze Medium in the brush when working in the area where the five-petal flowers are. Magic Mix Medium is retard- er and Clear Glaze Medium mixed and gives you more open time in a dry climate. If you have more humid- ity you may want to use Clear Glaze Medium, but with very light touches, adding very thin layers to make the flowers look farther back in the design. Add very little detail except on a few forward flowers. Let air dry be- tween layers of paint.
Shade on all flowers except five-petal flowers in a sideload of Burnt Sienna. Use the flattened no. 5 round brush or you can change to the 1⁄4" oval wash brush, walking the color out and releasing pressure on the brush as you move the shade color out. Shade down through the center of the lower iris petals; this is the beard area. Use this color to make centers in all five- petal flowers. There is no shade color on the buds be- hind the tulips.
To shade the leaves, mix Olive Green and small touch of Black Umber and shade leaves primarily on the left side, as the light source is coming from the top right hand corner of the panel. You can use this color to put in stems and vein lines, but very little, if any, on the
60 The Decorative Painter •