Page 63 - The Decorative Painter Spring 2018
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five-petal flower leaves. To highlight leaves use Oakmoss, adding Primrose to lighten some leaves. At this point, you can also stroke in more small leaves or shadow leaves us- ing thinned Olive Green or Raw Sienna. These leaves are just touches of color with no detail.
For the first highlight on all flowers, load brush in Raw Sienna and medium of choice. Brush-mix into Husk and stroke from petal tips to the base of flowers using light pressure, adding more Husk as desired, but being careful not to lose the shade color.
Add more medium to brush to keep color sheer and do a few of the most forward flowers, letting most be- come background.
Second highlight is Husk and Primrose brush-mixed on dry palette. Add medium to keep sheer. As you build highlights, you may want to add more Primrose and high- light petals that are to the right of the flowers and the
rims of tulips. Pull individual strokes from the tip of the middle petal on the iris to make ridges. Rose is just small strokes of color to define petal separation. Do the beards on the iris by gently pouncing Primrose, using the tip of the round brush.
Final highlight and details are Primrose adding a touch of Titanium White. You will do some linework on a few petals of the forward five-petal flowers and dots in the centers, but keep subtle, as the five-petal flowers are not the center of interest. Dots in the center of the tulips and roses are Primrose and touch of Titanium White, if needed.
Do a final evaluation and highlight again where need- ed or wash over a shadow area with Raw Sienna or very thin Olive Green if area became too bright. Let dry. Do not varnish, instead use paste wax to finish.
Design is 35% of original. Enlarge 286% for actual size.
For a free design at actual size,
affix two first-class stamps to a #10 SASE and send to: The Decorative Painter
SPRING - 2018
1220 E. First St., Wichita, KS 67214-3907. Allow four weeks for delivery.
artist’s sketch
Sue Pedersen has always loved art and took art classes in high school and college. Even when she was concentrating on marriage and a family, she always found a way to take workshops and classes. Carl Larson, the teacher of one of those classes, introduced her to the wonderful world of Baurenmalerei. She also enjoyed classes taught by Michele Walton cda and Jo Sonja Jansen mda, who woke up her sense of creativity, whimsy, and original design. In 1999, she joined SDP and began to teach classes. She currently resides in Dayton, Nev., with Ron, her husband of 43 years. Sue is a member of Carson Valley Desert Brushes and Sierra Nevada Decorative Artists. Email Sue at or visit her Facebook page at ladypaintbrush. Her new website is
The Decorative Painter • SPRING 2018 61