Page 88 - The Decorative Painter Spring 2018
P. 88

                                                                                  with a few dry-brush, shape-following strokes opposite the Light Pink Mix comma-stroke with Light Pink Mix. Pull a long accent stroke on Light Pink Mix comma-stroke with Moss Green highlighted on the tip with Naples Yellow.
Petals are Geranium. Long comma-strokes from tip of petals are Rose Pink. Shade petals as in Tulip A with Claret Rose. Highlight opposite side of petal from com- ma-strokes with Rose Pink dry-brush strokes. Accent long comma-stroke with Moss Green stroke highlighted on tip with Naples Yellow. The small bud-like flower is painted as Tulip B.
All leaves are basecoated in Moss Green. Shade at base of leaves and in the turned area of the long leaves
Design is 40% of original. Enlarge 250% for actual size.
with Olive Green shape-following strokes. Pull long, thin comma-strokes from leaf tips as well as light side of leaves with Light Green Mix. Highlight the tips of these long Light Green Mix strokes with Naples Yellow. Shade stems near base of flowers with Olive Green. Add a dot of Moss Green with the handle end of a brush to connect all the leaf and flower ends.
Erase any remaining graphite lines. Trim edge of sur- face with Moss Green. Using a large flat brush, paint edge and scrape some paint onto the top surface of the design to “frame” the painting. When dry, brush on a coat of Jo Sonja Magic Mix Medium. Finish with several coats of Jo Sonja Polyurethane Satin Varnish.
 artist’s sketch
      Kathy Swigon cda has been
involved in the decorative arts field
since 1979, having studied with na-
tionally acclaimed artists in several
mediums. She has done extensive
work in the commercial and retail art
fields, working on murals, furniture,
faux finishes and accessories for award-winning interior decorators and national home builders as well as private clients. National advertisers and several art magazines have featured her artwork. She has taught workshops in studios, at SDP chapters and at national and regional art conferences as well as in her home studio. Kathy recently relocated to Tampa, Fla., and continues designing and teaching workshops both locally and across the U.S. She serves on the SDP Board of Directors and is active in two local chapters. Visit her website at
                   86 The Decorative Painter
• SPRING 2018
For a free design at actual size, affix two first-class stamps to a #10 SASE and send to:
The Decorative Painter
SPRING - 2018
1220 E. First St.
Wichita, KS 67214-3907.
Allow four weeks for delivery.

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