Page 116 - The Decorative Painter Fall 2014
P. 116

 STEP 2: Add dots for the eyes and mouth with Lamp Black. Notice that the dots for the eyes are larger than those that make up the mouth. Shade under and above the rib- bon; under the nose, eyes, and mouth; along the red border at the bottom; along the seam that runs vertically down the center of the snowman; and on both sides of the snowman with Neutral Grey, and then follow with Graphite.
Using the no. 10/0 liner with Neutral Grey, add the seam. STEP 3: Highlight the eyes with dots of Slate Grey. High- light the nose with Cadmium Orange and then with Tan- gerine. Shade the nose with Black Plum. Notice that the heaviest shade is along the bottom and on the end. Shade both sides of the ribbon with Black Plum. Highlight the ribbon with Fiery Red.
Transfer the holly design. With the 1⁄8" crescent, stipple Antique Teal, Leaf Green, and then Bright Green on the leaves. Stipple the berries with Fiery Red. Shade with Heri- tage Brick, followed by Black Plum. Highlight the berries with Light Buttermilk. Finish the holly by applying DecoArt Americana Star Lite Varnish over the leaves and berries.
Basecoat the thin outline with Neutral Grey. Base the large inner circle of the tag with Light Buttermilk. Shade the inner circle with Neutral Grey, and the outline with Graph- ite. Highlight the outline with Light Buttermilk. When this is dry, apply the stamp of your choice (this is optional).
STEP 1: Basecoat with Antique White. Base the grom- mets with Milk Chocolate. The very centers of the grom- mets should remain Soft Black, but if they are accidentally painted over they can be reapplied later.
STEP 2: Shade around the tag with Light Cinnamon. Dark- en those shades at the edges with Burnt Umber (acrylic). Shade under the grommets with Burnt Umber (acrylic). STEP 3: Highlight the grommet with a brush-mix of Light Cinnamon+Light Buttermilk. If the Soft Black in the very centers of the grommets has been lost, reapply it now.
When the tags are dry, embellish them with your fa- vorite rubber stamps. Hint: Put a small amount of your choice of paint on a wet paper towel, and then rub the pa- per towel together until the paint is absorbed. Use this as an ink pad, dabbing the stamp onto it. Test the stamp on a piece of paper before applying it to the piece.
STEP 1: Basecoat the candy canes’ red stripes with Heri- tage Brick and let dry. Follow with a second basecoat of Tomato Red. Base the white stripes with Light Buttermilk. STEP 2: Shade all sides of the red stripes with Black Plum. Highlight the centers of the red stripes with Fi- ery Red. Shade along the tops and bottoms of the white stripes with Graphite.
STEP 3: Shade the right side of each candy cane with Soft Black. Highlight the length of each candy cane with a back- to-back float of Light Buttermilk. Notice that this float is slightly off-center. Hint: You can also create this highlight on a wet surface by simply dragging an ultra liner through the wet paint, and blurring it lightly with a mop.
If necessary, transfer the evergreen pattern. Basecoat the branches with Milk Chocolate. Add the needles with Antique Teal, Leaf Green, and Bright Green. Pull the nee- dles from the branch outward using the no. 10/0 liner or the no. 4 script. With the tip of the ultra round, dab sev- eral spots of Burnt Umber (acrylic) onto the branches. This will strengthen the branches so that they can still be seen through the needles.
Basecoat the hooks that attach to Santa and the snow- man with Neutral Grey. Shade both with Graphite, and highlight with Light Buttermilk.
Begin forming the outlines of each square by applying shades of Soft Black along all red borders. These shades should begin behind and under each ornament, candy cane, and tag. As you shade, maintain perspective by making note of which objects are on top of and under- neath one another.
Using ultra rounds, liners, and scripts, create the straw that lies around each ornament. The straw is made of Honey Brown, Marigold, and Camel. Notice that some strands lie partly on the ornaments and candy canes.
114 The Decorative Painter • ISSUE NO. 3, 2014

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