Page 13 - The Decorative Painter Winter 2017
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One afternoon, last fall, Judy Duarte and her friend Angela Miller, decided to drop by a local shop in Utah called Jen’s Furniture Rehab. Angela knew that Judy had not been there before. Judy not only enjoyed the sight of all the beautifully hand-painted old fur-
niture but was very curious about the paint
that had been used. Jennifer, the shop own-
er, then explained to them that it was An-
nie Sloan Chalk Paint®. Soon after that day,
Judy took two workshops from Jennifer to
learn how to use the paint. As Jennifer and
Judy began to learn more about one anoth-
er’s painting worlds, they both tried to see
how they could incorporate the two. As time
passed and experimenting with the Annie
Sloan Chalk Paint® for decorative painting
took place, Jennifer told Judy about a 125-year-old small baby grand piano she had. She proceeded to clean and paint the entire antique piano from top to bottom. As Jennifer be- gan to unfold her treasure, she asked if Judy would be interested in doing some decorative painting on the piano. Of course Judy was excited to come up with a design and paint the piano! The clematis was Jennifer’s flower of choice. After Judy completed the painting on the old treasure, they were both excited about how beautiful it turned out. A coat of clear wax was then applied to the painted area to seal the surface.
Visit Jen’s Furniture Rehab online at and see the wonderful ideas you can gather while bringing back to life your grandmother’s little old table, a chair, or an antique mirror. You can paint Judy’s flower design, too. See the project, The Clematis, on page 48, to duplicate this beautiful flower pattern she painted on the piano. For this project, Judy found an old suitcase on which to paint the clematis.
An International Art Competition and FestivaL
West Michigan Decorative Artists sponsored their 2nd
Grand Rapids ArtPrize entry. Grand Rapids ArtPrize is an international art competition that takes place throughout all
of downtown Grand Rapids, Mich. – museums, parks, hotels, theaters, restaurants, and more. It generates 500,000 visitors each year. The Chapter’s entries feature works by Michigan decorative art teachers with the goal of getting public exposure to opportu- nities for learning to paint, and to generate interest in our chapters of SDP. Last year, the chapter did memory boxes to highlight the charitable side of chapters and SDP. This year it was “An Art Play Date – Paint With Friends You Haven’t Met Yet.” The display features pieces on a variety of surfaces and mediums – something to interest everyone.
For more information and to check out our contributing artists’ profiles, go to
In this issue of The
Decorative Painter,
see Prudy Vannier’s
instruction to paint her
Orchid Memory box
on page 58.
Support Decorative Painting!
The Decorative Painter
• WINTER 2017 11
#370A Os Chicken Tine Packet: $10.00;
Wood: Made by Mike Lusk
#341B-12” Os Red Tine
Packet: $10.00
Wood: Made by Mike Lusk
Gayle’s Art Enterprises
Gayle Oram, 541-726-8093