Page 20 - The Decorative Painter Winter 2017
P. 20
Painter’s Checklist
Wood canvas, 6" x 6" x 1 1⁄2" (15.24 x 15.24 x 3.81 cm)
Cadmium Yellow
Deep Midnight Blue
Emperor’s Gold (metallic) Neutral Grey
Plantation Pine
Raw Sienna
Snow (Titanium) White
DYNASTY, BLACK GOLD Series 206A 3⁄8" angle shader Series 206Fil no. 12 filbert Series 206DF 1⁄2" deerfoot Series 206S no. 18 shader Series 206L no. 1 liner
Series 206FW 3⁄4" flat wash Series P-FSASH 2" palmer
Basic painting supplies (page 96)
DecoArt Media Gesso, White
DecoArt Media Modeling Paste, Black
DecoArt Glazing Medium (optional)
Americana DuraClear Soft Touch Varnish
Painter’s Mate Green® Tape, 1⁄4" (.635 cm) or wider White chalk pencil
Blow dryer (optional) Pipette or eye dropper Rubbing (isopropyl) alcohol Spray bottle
Small paper cup
Wood canvas (No. 20-11360) is available at
I’m an avid doodler. Sometimes doodling leads to inter- esting designs. I’ve been playing with this flower for weeks but I was drawing it facing in a different orientation. It never quite worked...until I turned the drawing around and there it was! I hope you’ll like this acrylic project with its interesting organic background and simple layering technique. Feel free to play with other color combinations.
STEP 1: Use a palette knife to mix the DecoArt Media Gesso+ Plantation Pine (5:2). With the slightly dampened palmer brush, apply the gesso mix to the top of the surface and sides. Let dry. Sand lightly to remove the wood fibers. Apply anoth- er coat of the gesso mix with the palmer brush, creating lots of texture by slip-slapping the gesso mix all over. Continue to slip-slap as the gesso begins to dry and grabs at your brush. This will create texture. Let dry. Do not sand this layer. Re- peat with another textured layer of the tinted gesso. Let dry. Do not sand.
Have on hand a spray bottle partly filled with rubbing alcohol and also a small paper cup with some rubbing alco- hol to load your pipette or eye dropper.
Adjust the nozzle on the spray bottle for a fine mist.
Have your pipette or eye dropper loaded with the alcohol from the small paper cup nearby. Work on a flat, even surface.
18 The Decorative Painter
• WINTER 2017