Page 85 - The Decorative Painter Winter 2017
P. 85
Use a sparse amount of paint when blocking in values. Begin with the 1⁄4" angular brush and block in the medium value. Wipe off excess paint from your brush by pinch- wiping the bristles between a folded piece of soft paper towel. Switch to the 1⁄8" angular brush or stay with the 1⁄4" angular depending on the size of the area in which you are working. Pick up some light value on the long end of the angle brush and apply that at the top of the light area. Pull the light value through the light area bringing it down right next to (touching) the medium value. Wipe out the brush and using a light, feather-like touch, blend between the medium and the light values.
Use the same technique when applying the dark val- ues. Begin by applying the color down in the darkest area, walk it up to meet the medium value and gently blend. Use a mop brush when necessary to soften one value into another. I did not dry before adding tints. Add the tints to a wet undercoat. This will help to soften the tint and relate it to the flower petal color.
Dry your painting, as you feel necessary, during the painting process. I usually dried after I painted each flower
in a preheated, 265-degree oven for 6-7 minutes. Strengthen the darks and the lights by applying more paint over a dried surface wherever you feel you need stronger value change. Apply the paint sparingly and
mop to soften.
If not painting this project all in one day (I did not),
lightly lay a piece of paper towel or plastic wrap over your palette to protect it from dust until you paint again.
When the painting is completed, dry in oven as direct- ed previously. Carefully check for and erase any remaining pattern lines.
Use your acrylic basecoat (Antique Maroon) to clean up any messy edges, etc. Let acrylic paint dry well and then varnish with your choice of varnish. I used Krylon Matte Finish Spray Varnish because I find it easier to work with around the relief border.
The Decorative Painter
• WINTER 2017 83