Page 86 - The Decorative Painter Winter 2017
P. 86
artist’s sketch
Nancy Scott cda has loved painting and creating art since her teenage years. She began decorative painting around 1990 and earned her CDA in 1994. She is a current member of the Capitolers in Albany, N.Y., having served as secretary, 1st vice president and president. Nancy has taught at local painting studios and adult continuing education at her local community college. She travel-teaches at SDP chapters and has taught at New England Traditions and the National SDP Convention. Last year, with the help of her ever-supportive husband, Nancy launched her website to sell her pattern packets. You may write to her at 36 Nancy Theresa Terrace, Albany, NY 12205, or email her at Check out her website at
Design is 60% of original. Enlarge 167% for actual size.
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Sandy Philips
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84 The Decorative Painter
• WINTER 2017
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The Decorative Painter
1220 E. First St., Wichita, KS 67214-3907. Allow four weeks for delivery.