Page 126 - The Decorative Painter Summer 2014
P. 126
Certification Corner
Value Control and the Certification Critique Form
Continuing our series on the Certification Critique, let’s explore value control (dark-medium-light). It relates to the value of the elements within the design, value of the background, and how the overall value has been controlled to pull the viewer through the design.
Value is the relative lightness or darkness of a color. We don’t see our world in shades of gray, but use color
to describe what we want to convey in our paintings. Value represents light and shadow. All objects within a painting are subject to light and shadow regardless of their placement, and the knowledge of form will help you to comprehend and render the contours of an object’s form.
All color has value, which varies from one color to another. Train your eye to see the value differences in
color and understand the subtleties between color and its relationship to value. This understanding helps you develop a palette to create the desired effect in your paintings.
Here are the criteria included on the critique form relating to value control.
Question: The value of the ____ is too light for its position in the design.
Sometimes an overall element or the highlight of an element is too light in value for its placement in the painting and makes it a distraction because it is too prominent. This relates to the background as well as elements.
Question: The value of the ____ is too dark for its position in the design.
If the judges deem that an element, area on an element, or the background is too dark relative to the surrounding areas, it will be indicated on this part of the critique. A “too dark” area can stop the flow within the painting.
Question: More value control needed to create flow and interest.
When value control is lacking, the flow and interest of the painting are affected negatively. Understand where to assign values within the overall arrangement of the
124 The Decorative Painter • ISSUE NO. 2, 2014