Page 21 - The Decorative Painter Fall 2017
P. 21
POINSETTIA, LEAVES AND STEMS, BERRIES STEP 1 Basecoat solid coverage in medium values.
STEP 2 Add Lights and Highlights.
STEP 3 Add Darks and Low Darks.
STEP 4 Final Stage - Glazes and Details.
n You can speed-dry the surface with a hair dryer, but any time a hair dryer is used make sure the surface is back to room temperature (cool) before applying any paint or mediums.
Sometimes it only takes one application of blending to establish form and create a smooth transition from one value to the next, but if not, when the surface is dry and back to room temperature, moisten the surface again and repeat all the steps from above.
n Think of water as our solvent or erasure. The only time we will use water is to clean pigment out of our brush or to remove any unwanted paint on our painting surface. When I want to remove paint from the surface, I use a clean brush moistened with water.
n Mix the values on a wax palette and then transfer onto a wet palette or triple thick wet paper towel.
The Decorative Painter • FALL 2017 19