Page 23 - The Decorative Painter Fall 2017
P. 23
hand always. This will act as a barrier coat allowing light to pass through the semi-transparent layers that are added in the next stage, creating an inner depth.
HINT: Sometimes the glazing medium gets a little thick. When this happens add a very tiny amount of water to help brush it on smoothly. Try not to add too much water as you don’t want to dilute the adhesive properties of the glazing medium. Allow to dry, or speed dry, and proceed.
A glaze is a transparent to semi-transparent color that is applied over a dried opaque color. Other terms or forms of glazing include antiquing, rouging, veiling, and a wash of color.
Glazing is a method to make a color rich, add tints, accents, turning colors, reflected color, reflected light, and shadows. It can also add an underglow, warmth and/or an aged patina.
Refer to the Glazing Map on page 22.
In the next step, all the glaze applications are applied onto a surface that has been moistened with Extender, us- ing the appropriate size angular brushes to apply the paint and then softened with appropriate sized mops brushes.
HIGHLIGHT: Strengthen the highlight area using the original Highlight mix from page 20. Strengthen again us- ing Warm White, then Titanium White.
SHADING: Deepen the shading using the Poinsettia Low Dark Mix.
Deepen again using tiny touches of the Berry Dark Mix. REFLECTED LIGHT: Add a shine of Ultramarine Blue+ Titanium White (1:tch).
ACCENTS: Burgundy+Burnt Sienna.
CENTERS: Tap in the centers using the cat’s tongue brush with a mixture of Burnt Umber+Burgundy. While wet, highlight using the Light Berry Mix.
HIGHLIGHT: On the forward leaves add a transparent glaze of Hansa Yellow+Extender. Strengthen the highlight area into this wet glaze using the Highlight Leaf Mix.
Strengthen again using the Highlight Mix+Titanium White+Hansa Yellow (1:1:tch).
Strengthen the light area on the back leaf using the Light Leaf mix into an area that has just the Extender. SHADING: Moisten the surface with Extender and deep- en the shading using the Low Dark Leaf Mix. Strengthen the shading again using Sap Green+Carbon Black.
Shade the stem using Carbon Black+Sap Green. REFLECTED LIGHT: Add a shine of Ultramarine Blue+Red Violet+Titanium White (1:tad:tch).
The Decorative Painter • FALL 2017 21
HI-LT or ooo Lt
= Highlight = Light
= Medium = Dark
= Low Dark