Page 91 - The Decorative Painter Fall 2017
P. 91
(Titanium) White plus tad of True Blue and liner brush, stroke in individual feather highlights. Using liner brush and thinned Snow (Titanium) White, highlight center of each feather and outline and place highlight dot in eye. DOVE: Using Grey Sky and sideload technique, shade around edges of bird, between beaks and separating feath- ers. Repeat using Sable Brown across head and belly, be- neath wings and across back of tail. Place a wash of very thin Yellow Ochre across shoulders and face. Using liner brush and thinned Lamp (Ebony) Black, dot eye and stroke in tips of individual feathers. Using liner brush and thinned Snow (Titanium) White, highlight center of each feather and eye. YELLOW BIRDS ON HAT: Using thinned Lamp (Ebony) Black and liner brush, paint beaks and eyes. Using small flat brush and sideload method with Burnt Umber, separate birds. Using sideload and Grey Sky, shade under chins and indicate any wings.
OWL: Using small flat brush, sideload technique and Burnt Umber, separate wings and head from chest and legs and individual feathers. Using very thinned Raw Um- ber and fine liner brush, paint veins on each feather. Using thinned Snow (Titanium) White, stroke in wispy feathers in form-following strokes across chest and underbelly and each wing, placing bigger “white feathers” here and there. Carefully stroke feathers on face in a fur-like, pull- ing motion. See close-up photo for reference. With Yellow Ochre, paint eyes. Using Lamp (Ebony) Black, paint beak and sideload a shade around eyes. Come back again with the thinned Snow (Titanium) White and small liner to pull more feathers that pull over beak and from around eyes. The eyelids are washed with Yellow Ochre, lined with Lamp (Ebony) Black and then very thinned Snow (Titani-
um) White. Brush-mix Yellow Ochre and Snow (Titanium) White for C-strokes at outer edge of each iris. Place Snow (Titanium) White highlight dot in each pupil.
BELLS: Using thinned Lamp (Ebony) Black and liner brush, paint X-pattern in center. Using Lamp (Ebony) Black shade bottom of each bell. Using Snow (Titanium) White highlight across top of each bell. Place Snow (Tita- nium) White highlight dot in each of the four sections of the bell, as pictured.
SACK: Shade first with Grey Sky, then Sable Brown, Burnt Umber and lastly with Raw Umber in the darkest areas, each in less and less area. With thinned Sable Brown and liner brush, crosshatch here and there on the bag to add a fabric-like texture. Highlight with dry-brush of Snow (Titanium) White. Wash a very thin Deep Burgundy in a few spots and do the same with very thin True Blue. Inside the bag is washed with Raw Umber.
FRUIT: Shade pears with Hauser Dark Green and high- light with Snow (Titanium) White+Antique Green (1:tad). Shade apples with Dark Burgundy and highlight with Snow (Titanium) White+Santa Red (1:tad). With tip of lin- er brush, dot oranges with Yellow Ochre all over and again with Cadmium Yellow in the highlight areas only. Shade oranges with Burnt Umber and then again with Deep Bur- gundy. Dry-brush the oranges in lightest area with Snow (Titanium) White+Cadmium Yellow (1:tad). Add Raw Umber stems to all the fruit and highlight stems with Snow (Titanium) White+Raw Umber (1:tad).
BOOTS: Using Grey Sky, wash across straps and high- light with Snow (Titanium) White. Using thinned Grey Sky and liner brush, paint scroll decoration and to indicate the sole and heel.
The Decorative Painter • FALL 2017 89