Page 127 - The Decorative Painter Spring 2014
P. 127
2014 Candidates
served as newsletter editor, first vice president, Ways & Means chair, and Reward & Recognition Committee member. I worked on the members handbook, and represented the chapter with the Northern California Chapters Council. I also served on the Retreat Committee for eight years.
What are your specific qualifications for this position?
I am a good listener. I believe in the Society. I have
a degree in organizational behavior, which helps me understand the underlying effects and how to manage change, as well as why people do what they do, etc. Painting is my obsession. I use it to manage stress, help me relax, and keep me motivated.
List any additional information that may provide support for your qualifications for this position.
I have participated in both local and national painting conventions. I am a member of Northern California Chapters Council and a teacher in my chapter and in
the region. I graduated summa cum laude from the University of San Francisco and was more than willing to assist fellow students with study groups. One of my most positive attributes is my willingness to help and to give.
List any additional information that may provide support for your qualifications for this position.
I have been teaching a weekly painting classes for forty- three years. Two years ago, in order to introduce SDP to these students, I gave each of them a free month of classes if they would join SDP. My reasoning was that they would see the benefit and stay as members.
What are your goals and vision for the society?
My goal for SDP is to bring the best people to the members so a strong, forward-thinking board might be elected. It is essential that those who are elected to govern maintain a fiscally sound program, and always think of the benefits for our members. I believe in the rejuvenation of decorative painting, and with creative thoughts and plans through SDP this will happen. Communication between the board and the general members must remain open and enlightening.
noMinATinG CoMMiTTEE CAnDiDATE Teresa Kuchler
Oregon City, Oregon
Years with SDP: 10
Number of SDP Conferences attended: 1
sDP involvement:
Chapter involvement:
I am a member of the Raindrop Chapter and Coast to the Cascades. I have taught at Coast to the Cascades, as well as at the Raindrop Chapter regional convention in Portland, and the Northwest Decorative Artists convention in Seattle.
What are your specific qualifications for this position?
I am easy to talk to, and have the ability to call individuals and solicit response.
List any additional information that may provide support for your qualifications for this position.
I am the recipient of the Golden Paint Brush Award.
I volunteer for the Oregon City Main Street TRAG through my Three Rivers Artist Guild affiliation. I have served two years as board secretary and four years as historian for the Three Rivers Artist Guild. In addition, I have served on the First Friday committee, acting as chair one year. I have worked on various civic and art projects as an individual and through committees.
What are your goals and vision for the society?
My goal is to see that educational opportunities are available for all members and for potential
new members.
What are your goals and vision for the society?
My goals are to see SDP financially sound, an industry participant, technically innovative, and provide supportive leadership to members.
noMinATinG CoMMiTTEE CAnDiDATE Jeanne M. Biever cda
Hot Springs, South Dakota
Years with SDP: 41
Number of SDP Conferences attended: 29
sDP involvement:
I have been a chapter representative twice; served on the Chapters Committee twice; served on the Certification Committee six times; previously have been on the Nominating Committee; and served SDP as a board member-at-large.
Chapter involvement:
I have founded three chapters: the first chapter in Spokane, Wash., in 1978; a chapter in Billings, Mont., in 1981; and the Black Hills Area Decorative Artists in Rapid City, S.D., in 1994.
What are your specific qualifications for this position?
As a past SDP Board member, I have a good understanding of what is required to serve as a board member. Because of my involvement serving on SDP committees, teaching at the SDP Conferences, and having been an active SDP member for forty years, I know people to approach for the various positions to fill and I believe I can make good decisions.
The Decorative Painter
• ISSUE NO. 1, 2014 125