Page 126 - The Decorative Painter Spring 2014
P. 126
2014 Candidates
Marlborough, Massachusetts
Years with SDP: 17
Number of SDP Conferences attended: 13
sDP involvement:
I have served on numerous SDP committees, including: two years as a member of the Business Committee,
two years as chair of the Business Committee; one year as a member of the Public Relations and Marketing Committee, and am current chair of the committee. I also served on the Ruby Task Force in celebration of SDP’s ruby anniversary.
Chapter involvement:
I am a member of the Yankee Heritage Tole Chapter and have served as a board member, second vice president, and first vice president. I am also a member of the White Mountain Decorative Painters.
What are your specific qualifications for this position?
I own a decorative arts business, including teaching, publishing, and designing since 1992. I have over twenty years of experience of keeping current with the needs of the marketplace.
List any additional information that may provide support for your qualifications for this position.
I taught free classes at the SDP Conference in Wichita and have written articles for the SDP e-newsletters. I
am a member of the Lexington Arts and Crafts Society, Lexington, Mass. I assist with publicity for New England Traditions. And I am one of DecoArt’s Helping Artists.
What are your goals and vision for the society?
I would like to see SDP be recognized and respected as a leading organization that provides help to individual members and business members at the national, regional, and local levels.
Canton, Michigan
Years with SDP: 20
Number of SDP Conferences attended: 20
sDP involvement:
I have served on the Business Committee with Prudy Vannier as chair. I have also been a trade show exhibitor at twenty conferences.
Chapter involvement:
What are your specific qualifications for this position?
I bring a diverse and balanced outlook to the board. While growing up in the business, I have had the distinct pleasure and opportunity to work with the Society through a manufacturer’s eyes. Over the past
twenty years I have worked closely with art instructors in both the decorative and fine art industries, as well
as up-and-coming artists. I feel I have a very well- rounded perspective of each of their needs. I believe my background in business, art, artist materials, marketing, and promotion will prove to be an invaluable resource for the Society.
List any additional information that may provide support for your qualifications for this position.
In my twenty-plus years in the industry, I have acquired many contacts and resources sure to come in handy.
In addition to organizing teams of four to twenty
people to accomplish goals set forth by a management team to various locations in the USA and abroad, I
serve at my church and donate my time to various outreach programs. I am a supporter of the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer research organization and the advancement of women in business. I’m a member of the Partnership for the Arts and Humanities, a nonprofit art organization encouraging the growth of cultural arts serving southeast Michigan.
What are your goals and vision for the society?
The Society has been the foundation of decorative artists, and I feel I have a lot to offer and want to give back to the Society of Decorative Painters. I would like to see more artists, organizations, and manufacturers excited and working together. It seems over the years many have slowly gone their own way, and I believe we are much stronger united. I am excited for the opportunity and most of all I am willing to work hard to make it happen.
Caldwell, Idaho
Years with SDP: 19
Number of SDP Conferences attended: 14
sDP involvement:
In 2011, I was the chair of the Chapters Committee. In 2010, I served as a member of the Chapters Committee and was directly responsible for the Presidents Reception. In 2009, I also served on the Chapters Committee, and I worked directly on the Conference Chapters and Members Gathering. I have also painted ornaments for donation to SDP. I have served as teller at six Conferences.
Chapter involvement:
In 2009 and 2010, I served as president of the Idaho Chapter of Heritage Artists. In 2011, I was vice president and Seminar chair, as well as developed and maintained the chapter website. In 2007-2013, I served as a member of the Christmas Committee, Bunko Committee, Retreat Committee, and was the 2013 co-chair and teacher at the annual retreat.
I am a charter member of the Toll Bridge Tolers and
124 The Decorative Painter • ISSUE NO. 1, 2014