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2014 Candidates
    noMinATinG CoMMiTTEE CAnDiDATE sandra Reynolds
Waterloo, Illinois
Years with SDP: 7
Number of SDP Conferences attended: 2
sDP involvement:
Attended SDP Conferences in 2009 and 2012, completed Part I of the Teacher Development Program (TDP),
and served on the Public Relations and Marketing Committee in 2013.
Chapter involvement:
I am a member of Gateway Decorative Artists, St. Louis, Mo., and have served as the newsletter editor, workshop teacher, Nominating Committee member, and board member. I have participated in Memory Box paint-ins, Paint for Freedom card program, SDP gift tags, chapter workshops, and seminars.
What are your specific qualifications for this position?
My thirty-five years of corporate business experience in sales, sales management, and marketing has prepared me to meet challenges and deadlines. I am a very dedicated worker to any task that I take on, implementing my creativity and positive attitude toward the projects and positions that I have been a part of.
List any additional information that may provide support for your qualifications for this position.
I received the Sales Person of the Year award twice in six years with Motorola. As a corporate manager with Avon and Motorola I have interviewed and hired hundreds of employees. I received awards twice for top 10 percent of district sales managers in the U.S. with Avon.
What are your goals and vision for the society?
My goals and vision for SDP are for the Society to stay strong and reach the masses of people around the world who would love to learn how to paint, draw, and create their own works. One of the best areas to keep us strong is our ability to reach young people and help them develop as artists.
noMinATinG CoMMiTTEE CAnDiDATE Linda schafer
Grass Valley, California
Years with SDP: 15
Number of SDP Conferences attended: 6
sDP involvement:
I have worked as a volunteer during SDP Conference as a teacher’s assistant, in the Conference Boutique, and
in Class Sales.
Chapter involvement:
I have served as treasurer of the Gold Country Decorative Artists for two years, and have served on numerous chapter committees.
What are your specific qualifications for this position?
I am an ardent financial and emotional supporter of the Society.
List any additional information that may provide support for your qualifications for this position.
I have served as my church treasurer for eight years, as well as other nonprofit groups in our community. I am a hospice respite volunteer. I have volunteered for Habitat for Humanity, and our church alter guild. I have also chaired major fundraisers.
What are your goals and vision for the society?
The biggest goal is to keep the Society healthy and alive. We have come so far with the tremendous help and support of many, and I want to see this continue. We need growth in membership.
noMinATinG CoMMiTTEE CAnDiDATE Cookie Trent tda
Port St. Lucie, Florida
Years with SDP: 5
Number of SDP Conferences attended: 2
sDP involvement:
I currently serve on the Teacher Development Program (TDP) Committee.
Chapter involvement:
I served as the Treasure Coast Decorative Painters’ president, newsletter editor, and website liaison in 2013; the treasurer, newsletter editor, and website liaison in 2012; and the Nominating Committee chair in 2010 and 2011. I received the 2013 Chapter Star Award for Outstanding Member.
What are your specific qualifications for this position?
I have served as my chapter’s Nominating Committee Chair for two consecutive years and wrote the chapter’s Nominating Committee process for inclusion in the chapter’s handbook.
List any additional information that may provide support for your qualifications for this position.
My professional skills are accounting and process management. I will use all my skills to support the chair in a smooth and efficient process of providing candidates for the membership to vote on.
I have almost 15 years of painting experience, as a Priscilla Hauser and Bob Ross certified teacher, and as a student of many respectable teachers. I feel this gives me insight as to what my fellow SDP members are looking for in the selection of our future SDP Board members.
What are your goals and vision for the society?
As a TDP Committee member, my goal is to support Vicki Alley tda as the TDP Committee chair in growing the number of TDAs. My visions for the SDP are: 1) to see a younger membership through corporate outreach programs; and 2) to make it easy for members to work with standardized PDF forms by having input fields so that information can be typed.
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